十一 An Unexpected Victory

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My insides scream in desperation as I extend an outstretched hand towards Armin at the same time as the clueless and hungry titan.

Teeth gritted in focus, I push myself to reach maximum speed, and little sparks of hope ignite in my belly when it seems that I may have a chance of saving the innocent, blonde boy.

His bright blue eyes are wide and filled with terror, locked on the moving form threatening his life, and not paying any attention to me coming from his side. With a long, analytic glance, I'm able to determine that I can in fact get to him before the titan does, considering our differentiating distances. If I can cut him loose from the wires he's trapped in, that is.

With my goal in view, I draw a blade from my side, preparing to slice through the cord suspending Armin's immovable body in the air. Once again, I summon the force and speed I gathered from my training, and unknowingly hold my breath when I reach the boy.

The titan is much closer than I'd like it to be, but as soon as I hear the crack of the wires snapping and I've successfully caught Armin in my arms, I'm able to fly to a safer place atop a high branch.

I land confidently, my feet planting firmly into the bark of the tree as I look down at Armin with a concerned gaze. He's severely shaken up, considering he believed that his life was about to end.

His lips are parted slightly in both fear and relief. "Kaira. . ." he mumbles faintly, and it's my turn to be surprised.

He remembers my name.

Even at a time like this, the tiniest traces of a smile decide to grace my features.

"You're safe, Armin," I assure him, setting his encased body on the stable branch, and begin to cut away at the wires pressed against his pale skin.

"Not for long," he shakes his head, starting to regain some sort of mental confidence after the scare. "My gear won't be able to function properly. I'm as good as dead out here."

I meet his gaze with a stern expression. "Not when you've got all of us here, with you. With so many scouts, we all have your back. Once we've extinguished this temporary threat, I'm sure we can find something for you to use in the supply carts."

"Maybe," he says, staring off at something over my shoulder.

I follow his line of sight, seeing Mikasa coming our way at a quick speed. She lands beside us with ease, lowering herself to her knees to check on her friend.

"Are you okay, Armin? Are you injured?" She asks quietly, but in a frantic manner.

He shakes his head in answer, glancing up at me gratefully. "I'm fine, all thanks to Kaira. Just a little shaken up."

Mikasa turns to look at me as well, gratitude flooding her dark blue, almost black irises. I can't help the blush that takes over me after attracting their attention.

However, I'm caught mesmerized by the love and affection that Mikasa carries for her childhood friend, and the concern she has for his wellbeing. To think that she's even more protective of Eren makes me immensely thankful to be reminded of the fact that she considers me a friend as well. Will she—or any of the others, for that matter—learn to care for me so deeply as well? My heart swells at the prospect that someday, it could be so.

"Thank you, Kaira," she says, barely above a whisper. Her quiet voice along with the chaos surrounding us makes it hard to hear her, but I know that these are her spoken words.

I merely nod in response, looking away at our fighting comrades to get focused on the task at hand once again.

"It seems that the others have dealt with the titans, for the most part," Mikasa suddenly comments from beside me, eyes locked on Connie and Sasha tag teaming in order to fend off the last of the unexpected herd.

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