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Lloyd got up out of bed and surveyed his area, the bunk beds still surprisingly sturdy. The only thing stopping him from staying in bed an extra 40 minutes was the incessant snoring of his big brother figure, Kai, who was currently dangling upside down on the edge of his top bunk, drool making it's way up his face. Everyone else was gone.

Curious as to what his friends were doing, Lloyd went to go check on everyone.

When he got to the main room, the first thing he saw was Jay sleeping on top of Cole while video game controllers dangled from their hands. Smiling to himself, he started looking for Zane. He didn't have to look long though, the delicious scent of pancakes danced around the kitchen and led him straight to his prize.

"Good morning Lloyd, you are quite the heavy sleeper." Zane greeted as he turned around, showing off the pink apron he had on

"Good morning, mother dearest." Lloyd said as he plopped down into a chair and watched Zane work one of his many talents. The nindroid giggled and went back to pouring some batter into the pan.

"Actually Lloyd, is Kai awake yet?" Zane asked

"Nope, you know he sleeps like a rock. Maybe all that hair gel is finally weighing him down." The blonde answered

"Oh man, I'm so telling him you said that." A voice emerged from the hallway and the two friends turned to see a freckled redhead stretching his arms out wide and welcoming himself into the kitchen

"Jay," Zane started, "how many times are you going to fall asleep with the TV on?"

"Until the ache of my broken heart is gone." He said calmly. Zane gave a sad look and hurried to give Jay a plate of pancakes, to which Jay smiled softly. Him and Nya had ended things a few days ago, and in those few days, he's been running to Cole like an alchohlic to the bar, Lloyd wasn't sure if it was some sort of coping mechanism, but he hoped Jay would feel better soon. It was kinda awkward because they saw each other almost everyday, but Lloyd still wanted them to eventually go back to how things were and at least be friends.

"Now wait a damn minute, do I smell pancakes?" Cole asked as he made his own grand entrance into the kitchen

"You can smell anything from like 20 miles away." Jay's statement was paid with a flick on the forehead from Cole

Just another day in Ninjago

NINJAGO: Amateurs of AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now