●When you say ily <3

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As promised here we fucking go-

- Gets all blushy
- Thinks your joking
- You tell her you aren't
- She apologized for not knowing you weren't joking
- Mikan our maimng me angry ily <3
- It usually leads to alot of little hugs <3

● Ibuki
- B l u s h
- Its in caps for a reason
- Holyshit-
- Hugs you <3
- She yells alot yk-
- Mwa

● Hiyoko
- Dumbass tsundere
- She secretly wets her panties for joy when you compliment her
- " Yeah whi doesn't dumbass!"
- Still goes up and hugs you
- Like I said she is tsundere
- You are used to her act so you just let her do whatever
- But her hugs are the best

- This woman
- Inhale
- But uh-
- " Awww, I love you too Y/N <3"
- h u g
- alot of hug
- She just silently appreciates you

● Peko
- Gets all flustered
- Has no real idea how to react
- " Uhh... I love you too Y/N!"
- Just hugs you
- You hug her back ofc
- If you dont then your the imposter 9r someshit 🙄🤞🤞🤞
- This woman needs like marry me rn 😍💔

- Ahhh Sonia <3
- She hugged you asap
- " Y/N ofc I love you too!"
- Yall are the type to have I love you more fights almost everyday
- She is wholesome yk 😝😝

- Gets surprising flustered
- " Hey Y/N ya know I love ya too"
- Tugs you close and just stays like like
- Honesty she is very touch starved
- She just fucking loves you ok let the baba gril be 😝😝😍


- im back-

- Ahhh she gets flustered
- Just grabs your hand
- Has no real idea how to respond
- " Ily too yk <3"
- Smiles
- Yk that one sprite wirh her  hand on her chest?
- <3

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