●Meeting your parents

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^Chiaki 😝😝😝
Btw I'm writing this as someone who has supportive parents
And if you ddont than I'm your mom 👨‍🦲
I already have to take care or two children known and my best and only irl friends so 😍😍🤞🤞🤞

- At first she didn't want to-
- At all
- Shw was scared they would hate her
- But you managed to convince her your parents would nervous hate her and that she is amazing
- Nervous asf 👨‍🦲
- "H- hello! I-m Y-Y/N's uhhhh girlf-friend...!
- Just clinged on you and only talked if they asked her a question
- Overall impression:5/10 :; She's shy but nice :)

- This mf did not care if your parents like she or not
- The only thing that matters to her was your love
- Wholesome Ibuki ahhh 😍🤞
- Yku dragged them to one of her concerts
- They didn't really like the music but stayed
- After she was done you went back stage
- She agave them rough handshakes
- " Ibuki wants to say thank you for making such a wonderful daughter!"
- Mk-
- Overall impression 7/10 :; Way to chaotic-

- Yall went to a restaurant
- She only ordered dessert
- Was pretty mean to your parents 👨‍🦲👨‍🦲
- Held your hand the whole time
- Like wtf bestie was so nice to you and so mean to everyone else
-She almost started beef with the fucking waitress
- For giving you guys drinks after they gave the other table that came after yall
- Your parents were also surprised by her height
- Overall impression 2/10 :; For being nice to you

- Holyshit
- It was ganna be at your house
- She arrived
- Now here comes the real shit
- This lovely lad didn't trust your mom's cooking so she made a bunch of food herself
- You parents were like wtf
- She sat down
- And uh from there it was fine
- She laughed at the dad jokes your parents made
- Loser
- Jk I love Mahiru <3
- She was bossy but super kind all at the same time-
- Overall impression 9/10 :; For being a bit bossy but she was fine so yuh <3

- She didn't want to
- She thought they wouldn't like her
- But you ensured her they would <3
- It didnt go too well
- She just yk gives off edgy vibes
- Didnt talk at all unless she was aksed a question
- She held your hand though
- Lovely edgy gf
- They were honestly scared of her
- I mean bestie has swords on her back
- They need to chill she is wife :(
- Overall impression 4/10 :; two cold and edgy

- You were going to have a picnic
- Your parents didn't care much
- You were dating a fucking princess-
- She was very nice tho
- She was gentle as always
- This mf
- Ily Sonia <3
- The picnic consisted of mainly baked sweets
- Made by Sonia ofc <3
- Cigarette ahego hits hard thb-
- Back to the fucking book
- She held your hand but not engraving else
- She was genuinely a little shy in front of your parents 😕😕
- Overall impression 10/10:; Lovely <3

- I want to say yall went to McDonald's-
- But yall like went to a fancy restaurant
- Your parents were pretty surprised by how revealing she dresses
- Bitches 😕😕😕
- She was v wholesome <3
- Yall ordered a giant plate of chicken nuggets
- And shared it
- Akane ended up most of them but you didn't mind
- She talked alot
- Your parents liked that :)
- Also the chicken nugget thing is based  of a true story with my brother but I ended up eating 3 nuggest and he the rest-
- She wants shy at all and the sexond yall saw eachotehr bestie went in and kissed you-
- Overall impression 7/10:; Maybe a bit to vulgar and reveling but nice :D

● Chiaki
- Before I get started I just wanna say sorry if the Chiaki scenarios suck Ik  I'm 1bad at writing her-

- It was just ganna be a dinner at your house
- She was actually pretty nervous 
- She liked your parents cooking :)
- Didnt talk much unless she was asked a question
- Held your hand
- After she was done eating she played a bit of games
- You got your parents to play with you too
- And that was amazing
- :D
- Your parents were impressed of her roblox skills
- Press F to pay respects 🤤🤞
- Overall impression 8/10 :; A bit question at first but was nice after that :D

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