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    It was a beautiful night, just like Jasira said it would be.

     "See? Just because of some clouds earlier, doesn't mean we won't be able to go out again." The elder sister beamed.

     Kanati shook her head, it still rained, she thought. The ground was damp, and the trees around them freshly watered, the sun was nearly down so it was getting colder. Kanati felt slight raindrops atop her head, from the water drops falling from the leaves. She shivered, it wasn't exactly summer yet, just the rainy part of spring. She pondered why her sister would want to go for a walk so late.

     Kanati knew that animals would be in hiding, most likely not travelling or in the open during this type of weather. Kanati also was able to read her sister, something bothered her very much. She could tell from the fake smiles, the tension returning to Jasira's shoulders every time she looked away from her, the uncertainty in her steps. She knew that her sister would speak eventually, so she never rushed it, never called it out.

     The anxiousness was something else that night, but it wasn't the cold, wasn't the lack of game, not even Kanati's upcoming birthday. It was something neither of the sisters could prevent, inevitability.

     In that moment though, the sisters enjoyed the walk, and wandered off to a nearby lake, the same lake they've always walked to. Unlike other Dalish clans, Solasan-Vhenas is strictly stationary, the sisters had never left home before. When they wanted alone time, to talk, to sit, to watch the sunset over the lake that falls off a cliff, they always went there. Jasira practised her magic, and Kanati practised her accuracy, herb mixing, and listening.

     Out of the two, Jasira was the advocate, the natural born leader, the heir to Keeper. To Kanati, Jasira was a big talker, Jasira could talk forever and ever unless someone physically ceased her or whenever she was tired of hearing her own voice. It was a gift and a curse, it depended on what she spoke, a motivating speech to a poorly executed joke, there was always something Jasira had to say as it was always something good. As the next Keeper, it was a strength. Their clan were but whispers, a frightening tale to tell in the woods, but the world had yet to bear witness to their true power.

     Kanati on the other hand, thought of herself as the exact opposite of her radiant sister, she had no desire for such a burden. Kanati was more of a loner, not leader nor follower. She had a good ear to listen, because she had to as the Clan's head huntress. She minded her own business and never had an opinion on anything, as her expertise lied with sharp things. Needed something gutted or fillet? Kanati was the one to go to. That's all Kanati striven for, being master of the hunt and providing for the clan.

     Between the two sisters, the Clan had balance. Both had significant roles- even if one would not admit it- and both were blessed with gifts of their own.

     It seemed all would be well as long as they had each other. However, Jasira was worried about whether that was still true.

     The elder sister stepped closer to the pouring lake, peering down at her reflection. She looked very similar to her sister, both had dark red hair, tan skin, and their mother's ears. When her sister's reflection joined her own she smiled without knowing it, Kanati's eyes were a striking green, as beautiful as emeralds and the greenest of trees.

     "I keep having these dreams." Jasira started. Finally, Kanati thought. "You're always my focus. In a way, my anchor." She gazed up at her sister who met her gaze. "They're terrifying dreams, sister. And I don't know why I'm having them." She was honest, Kanati shared a confused look.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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