📄Dating Kiyotaka📄

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{Requested by: Yeayoudidntseemehere}

• He would definitely help you study and with all your homework. When you ask him he gets all excited and thinks of it as a date and really wants to show off to you (he wants you to think he's smart)

•If he see's anyone bullying you or even making slightly rude comments he yells at them and makes sure they get detention

•He once got someone suspended because they spread rumours about you

•He'd really like you to get along with Mondo

•I feel like he wouldn't want to date someone who got jealous of his friendship with Mondo so if you're accepting that he wants to spend time with both of you, he'll be super happy

•Really good at cooking and will make you all the food you want (but I feel like he would also lecture you about eating too much junk food or snacks in between meals)

•Reassure him that he's making his family proud and he'll fall even further in love with you

•Shows affection through affirmations

•Constantly telling you he loves you and how he wants you to be happy

•Doesn't really get jealous over you talking to other boys (especially not of his friends) because he trusts you a lot

•However, he does get upset when you ask someone else for help with schoolwork because it makes him think that he wasn't good enough to help you

•Planned out your wedding already

•He gave you a promise ring for your anniversary and he memorized a big speech to say about everything he loves about you, but when it came to it he freaked out and stuttered through the whole thing

•Plans the BEST dates

•Remembers everything about you so he always knows how to make you smile and cheer you up when you're sad

I hope this was okay !!

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