Chapter twenty six

Start from the beginning

A hand glued to her chest as she looked between the two girls , watching keenly as June nudged Cora's shoulder jokingly .

Leaning against the counter behind her she looked between the two of them.

"well go on then girls! I'll make you some snacks . Do you like chocolate cake June? Any allergies or anything I need to worry about ?" She asked her sweetly .

Swallowing down one of the sweets in her mouth she quickly shook her head , her heart feeling full in her chest at Cora's mothers attentiveness .

She wondered if this was what having a mother was like , someone who will always love you and care even if you're a little strange .

"I feel like I've entered heaven." She stated in a daze looking at Lucy with heart eyes making Cora huff in amusement.

"I love chocolate cake . Anyone who doesn't is automatically on the avoid list ." She said seriously .

Laughing loudly,  Lucy flushed.

"Amen to that! You girls go get started and I'll bring you both a slice when it's done !" She shooed then away into the hall , a beaming smile on her face .

Following Cora up the stairs quickly,  she looked around at all the pictures on the wall .

Of Cora as a baby and a load of different family ones from birthday and Christmases .

Pushing down the bitter jealously pooling in her stomach , she sighed contently.

"You know Cora your mother is amazing . You've got her eyes too." She mused .

Popping the lollipop between her lips as she opened the door to her bedroom and gestured for june to follow her in .

The room was a pale pink and white , a old fashioned cream bed and antique furniture placed neatly around the room . Even the throw on the bed was silk and the pillows big and fluffy .

Kicking off her shoes , she walked over to her dressing table and thumbed through the odd bits and Bobs scattered around on top .

"I didn't realise you were such a princess ." She breathed out looking up at the sparkling jewelled light shade hung in the middle of the room.

Her own room seemed like a dump compared to this.

Cora groaned and chucked the stolen hair dyes onto the bed , running her hand through her hair with a anxious sigh .

"I'm not but my mom just-" she hesitated tilting her head as she thought over the best way to describe her overbearing need for a perfect family .

June looked over her shoulder with a raised brow.

"She just loves you . You can feel it oozing out of her , you shouldn't take that for granted . I would kill for someone to care even half of that amount ." She told her firmly .

Deciding that she liked the woman down stairs very much .

If she had a mother she would have hoped that she would have been like Lucy . Sweet as sugar and love in her heart all for her.

It was nice to consider if even for a moment the possibility of having something so precious .

Feeling reprimanded Cora blushed sheepishly having forgotten that June didn't have a mother .

"You're right . It can just be a bit much sometimes that's all . She must be vibrating in her skin now that she's met you , she was certain that I was lying ." She told her slightly embarrassed.

June only laughed loudly in response .

"That something you do? Am I going to meet Goldilocks and her six friends ?" She teased walking over to the bed and picking up on of the tubes of dye , reading the instructions on the back carefully .

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