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As soon as I arrived back at Jax's penthouse, I practically run to get into bed, chucking my shoes at the door on my way.

" Goodnight Aurelia " he shouts as he also retreats to his own room at the other end of the other house.

I don't bother replying as my head had already hit the soft silk pillow.

I met Jax the day I landed at Moscow airport. My chauffeur had been late and I was in the middle of cursing everyone I saw who would look at me the wrong way,  When a stranger with long blonde hair, a very odd looking leather jacket and skinny jeans had come up to me and asked if I needed to know where a toilet was because apparently my raising hell upon everyone look somehow ended up being interpreted to me looking constipated. I ended up telling him my situation not realising quite who he was until a group of screaming teenage girls came running our way. in the end he offered to personally drive me to my new school himself, and who was I to say no to a very good looking boy. We hit it off immediately and he explained who he was to me in the car and since I personally understood and could relate to his struggle with the world of paparazzi and status, not quite the screaming girls though. We were able to talk freely with one another and not use any fake facades. we even exchanged numbers and from there its been history. He was also the one to introduce me to Matilda when we went to one of her premieres he got invited to for a new movie of hers, and since then it has been the three of us. 

I wake up begrudglying thanks to the sunshine filtering through the curtains in Jax's spare bedroom.

"ehhhhh" I let out a groan " please sun, let me sleep I promise I will never drink again"

" Matilda, call a doctor Auerlia is talking to the voices in her head again " I hear a cackle from outside my room obviously coming from Matilda in response to the joke Jax had just made.  

Jax walks in the room with a glass of water and a Panadol tablet " I was going to give you this but I think the mental hospital may be more fitting for you "

" Haha Jax if only they would let me in to get away from your horrible sense of humour " I say sitting up reaching for the glass and tablet  "what's the time?" 

" 3 in the afternoon" Matilda says entering the room more bubbly than usual.

" you so got laid didn't you " I state.

Jax bursts out laughing and Matildas face turns bright red. 

" My sex life Aurelia is NONE of your business" 

" it will be when you get an STD and won't stop whining about it to us " I reply making Jax fully fall to the ground in hysterics,  while Matilda leaves the room as fast as she can. 

" Jax you are making the ground look dirty, so please be a gentleman and help me out of this bed. im starving!" he looks at me from the floor offended. 

"fine, I will get up myself" I pull back the covers that my legs were entangled in and let my feet hit the floor before lifting myself off the bed and standing up straight to stretch my body. I feel around my face feeling the icky feeling of makeup still on my skin.

" I'm going for a shower " I say making my way to the ensuite that is connected to my room.           I let the shower run for a few minutes before I hop in, letting me have time to take in what god awful mess I look like in the mirror. My long hair is completely knotted, the mascara and eyeliner that was doing my eyes so much justice last night now looks as if someone has really given me some justice by giving me two black eyes " gross ".

My shower is short and quick as halfway through I remembered what time Matilda has said It was. I still had so much to do before I left, let alone tell my two friends that I am leaving them to go back to London. 

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