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(with a Black fluffy hooded cape on black combat boots)


"Come on Rufus, we have a long trek ahead of us if we're going to make it to the Smp before nightfall." Y/n turned to the Rottweiler following behind him, hoping joyfully through the snow. 

Rufus woofed at his earning a hearty chuckle as he took another step in the ankle-deep snow, his scythe sat lightly folded upon his back and a crumbled-up paper was clenched in his left fist. It was a paper from the Smp summoning everyone that Dream had invited at one point in his life. For war was starting between the Nether and the Overworld. He was surprised to find out, at first thinking it was some sick joke.

However, when he read the part where they needed everyone and that they were willing to come to a truce with everyone they had ever fought with, he knew something was wrong. Gossip traveled outside the Smp walls and traveled across the globe stating that the With Skeleton King was going to take over the world and wanted to kill every human and enslave half-humans, starting with L'manburg, his home.

Y/n had traveled the world but never really felt at home. Though, he did love to be free very much. He decided it was time to go home after 4 years of being 'dead' and help out in this final war. What made him uneasy though was when some villagers chattered about how the Wither King -Decay- was after the forgotten ice magic, the magic he happened to hold within himself. He shook the feeling off and groaned, Rufus gave him a confused look his tongue poking out from his teeth. 

"You know what, I don't feel like walking anymore. Come here Rufus." He scooped up the very large dog, only being able to pick him up by his top half so the rest of him dangled down. His stubby tail wagged as Y/n tried not to double over backward. Purple particles surrounded them and then they were no longer in the snowy biome.

 Y/n's feet landed on water.

To avoid drowning he released his dog as they plopped into the cold ocean water. Rufus splashed over to his as he popped his head up with chattering teeth. His snow-white hair was stuck to his raven black skin as he glared at his dog. "Come on idiot, let's get to shore." His teleportation was usually off by a little bit but sometimes it was off by a mile, this was one of those times. 

They crawled out of the water and onto the sandy shore where Y/n took his cloak off and stretched, no happy to be free of the dreadful thing. After stuffing it into his bag they set off once again, drying under the sun's unbearable rays of heat. It was the beginning of Fall and unbelievably hot outside, Y/n knew this was the worst way to travel. He had purposely gotten a companion who loved the cold as much as him so that he could stay in the Tundra.

"But noo, Dream just had to build the Smp in the middle of a giant field where the sun touches every corner of the damn place. He placed on his straw hat to block the sun from touching the stary white freckles on his face. 

(Imagine the Japanese kind;)

Rufus bounced around in the flowers happily zooming in the pollen knowing full well that he would need a bath later. Y/n sighed once again before plopping down in the field as well, they were just outside the Smp walls and sitting at the edge of the forest. He looked at the wall that they had to build by hand and stone. So much blood and tears had been shed in that place it was almost funny.

Scratch that, It was funny. 

Y/n laughed. A city run by a bunch of Children, it amazed him how it had stayed upright that long. Y/n could careless about death and dying. 

Hell, he's evaded it so long that he was practically playing Ding Dong ditch with Death.

"Rufus, come here boy," he called over the chunky Rot as he stood up. Rufus came prancing over to him. Y/n grabbed his red spiky collar and held him in place, "Once we enter the city I need you to find Dream. Can you do that boy?" He shoved one of Dream's white masks he had stolen on Rufus's nose so he could sniff it. After a moment Rufus woofed and trotted towards the city, "Atta Boy buddy!" He dissolved the mask back in his inventory and followed his dog, charging past the guards who stopped him immediately.

◇○▪︎Frozen blood ▪︎○◇ {Technoblade x Dream x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now