"Seriously, that's not necessary. I told you it's okay. We're good" She tried to assure him, already getting impatient to end the call and return to her date.

"I know, but.. I wanna see you in person. That was the point of the last meeting"

"Right. I totally forgot" Amy chuckled in reply.

This is so weird. Why is Kyle still insisting on hanging out with her? Did Mandy tell him about her crush? No no, her best friend wouldn't betray her. He has never had a problem seeing her only when she goes to visit, so why is he acting differently now? She had no answers to these questions, so she quit trying to find one.

"How does lunch on Friday sound?... This time, I've cleared my schedule, so nothing would go wrong"

Amy couldn't help but smile at that. That is so thoughtful of him, to clear his work schedule just for her. She glanced at Bryan, who was watching the movie, wondering if he will be okay with her cancelling their Friday plans.

"Lunch on Friday sounds promising" She eventually replied after giving it a thought.

'Bryan is a very understanding man, so he won't have a problem cancelling their meeting on Friday' she tried to convince herself, to help ease the guilt she was currently feeling.

"Friday it is. Thanks Amy" Kyle sounded relieved, Amy could tell from his voice. This made her happy with herself.

"What time do we meet?" She then asked.

"Let's make it 1pm this time. I'll come pick you up at your place"

"I hope I don't regret this" She joked.

"You won't, I promise" He replied with excitement in his voice.

After saying their goodbyes, Amy ended the call and returned to her date. This time, she didn't bother sitting on his lap as Kyle's phone call had already ruined the moment.

"Who was that?" Bryan suddenly asked.

Amy didn't know why, but Bryan's question made her nervous. It's not like she did anything wrong, or did she? Either way, she couldn't stop herself from feeling that way.

"Uh. That was Kyle" She smiled to hide her nervousness.

"The guy who was supposed to be your date on Valentine's day?"

Amy tried to bring out words but nothing was forthcoming. How did he remember that? She wondered stealing a glance at him from under her brows. She noticed his eyes suddenly darken, but before she could make out if he was angry, it was gone. Did she really see that or was she just imagining it?

Amy's silence was making Bryan angry. He never got to ask her why she didn't tell him about her date with Kyle the other day because he didn't want to make any assumptions. He wanted to trust Amy and didn't want to harm their relationship over something insignificant, but her silence was making him think otherwise.

"What does he want?" He decided to let go of his previous question, as Amy didn't seem willing to give him an answer.

Amy took a sip from her soda, thinking of a reply. Should she tell him the truth? Or should she brush it off and come up with an excuse later for cancelling their Friday plans. If she tells him Kyle called to ask her to have lunch with him on Friday, she's scared that he'd think something is going on between them because of the way her dad made it sound the other day. But on second thoughts, she doesn't want to keep things from him.

"He wants to hang out" Amy replied in a small voice, when Bryan was about to drop the subject.

"He wants to make up for the other day" She added, nervously playing with the straw in her soda drink.

"Was he your ex?"

Bryan's question took Amy by surprise, as she wasn't expecting him to ask that. She knew he was going to have doubts, but she didn't think he would actually ask such a question.

Bryan on the other hand, wanted to know who Kyle really was, or is to Amy. His best friend wouldn't sound so confident if there was nothing going on between them.

"No. He's not my ex... I told you you're my first boyfriend" Amy was a bit offended that Bryan didn't trust her when she said he was her first boyfriend.

Why would he think that she would lie about such a thing?

"I'm sorry I asked that. I was just curious" He apologized, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"He's just a friend" She stated, gazing into his gorgeous blue orbs.

"I believe you" Bryan said, placing a light kiss on her soft lips.

Amy's eyes brightened after that and she made herself comfortable once again on his lap, so they could continue from where they left off.

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