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"I'm not going back to Beacon Hills without him."


Melody McCall, Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin walked through the centre of a small town in Mexico with a plan. A stupid plan at that, but it was a plan nonetheless. Despite not liking the plan, Melody was willing and eager to go along with it, especially if the plan resulted in her getting her former Alpha back. 

The three teens stood out greatly, mainly because Stiles and Lydia didn't exactly look like natives of the town, but also it was as if the townspeople could sense that Lydia and Melody were supernatural. They went out of there way to circle around Lydia and Melody, but maybe that was just what they did to newcomers. 

The way the townspeople acted and the stupidity of the plan made the young McCall feel very anxious, and she could smell the nerves radiating off of her campions. So, in attempt to ease all their nerves, Melody forced her way in between Stiles and Lydia and linked arms with both of them, clutching tightly and sending reassuring smiles. Stiles smiled back at his surrogate sister but Lydia's face remained solemn and nervous. 

"This doesn't seem so bad." Stiles said, unlinking his arm from Melody's in favour of holding her hand instead.

"It's not the town, it's the plan." Lydia said frustratedly. 

"What's wrong with the plan?" Stiles asked obliviously. 

"Stiles, this could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with." Lydia said, her mouth forming into a straight line. Stiles widened his eyes and looked at Melody, raising his eyebrows as if asking her to protest what Lydia said. 

"Don't look at me, I agree with Lydia. This is 100% the stupidest plan ever." Melody said, shrugging her shoulders. "You're aware of that, right?"

Stiles sighed and nodded his head at the two girls. "I'm aware that it's not our best."

"We are going to die." Lydia said, her grip on Melody's arm tightening slightly.

"Are you saying that as a Banshee or you're just being pessimistic?" Stiles asked as the three teens continued walking towards their destination. 

"I think she's saying it as a person who doesn't wanna die, Stiles." Melody said, raising her eyebrows at the older boy.

"You, shush, we don't have time for your snarky attitude." Stiles scolded, letting go of Melody's hand so he could ruffle her hair quickly. Melody growled under her breath and swatted Stiles' hand away, flattening her dark hair back down. "Lydia, would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions."

"This plan is stupid." Lydia reiterated, narrowing her eyes at Stiles.

"And we're going to die!" Melody added, purely for the sole purpose of pissing Stiles off.

"Oh, thank you for that, guys." Stiles said sarcastically.

Lydia and Melody both smiled snarkily at Stiles and the trio continued to walk towards their destination in a comfortable silence, the scent of anxiety reduced slightly from the light banter. The werewolf, the Banshee and the human turned the corner and finally arrived at a club, which is where their plan would take place. Said club was actually the headquarters of a Mexican hunter family which the McCall pack believed to have Derek Hale.

As they arrived at the entrance to the club, they noticed two men standing guard outside. The three teens slowed to a halt and stood before the two men. Stiles gently nudged Melody, gesturing for her to talk since she was the only one who knew spanish. Melody sighed but cleared her throat, crossing her arms over her chest.

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