☁️ Saturday Funday! Pt. 1 (All Brothers)

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Songs :
• Life Goes On - BTS
• Like 1999 - Valley
• Pretty Girl (Cheat Codes Remix) - Maggie Lindemann

You were bored as hell in your room. It’s weekend already and you got nothing to do, nobody has asked you to go out either. All of a sudden, Mammon barged into your room with an intention to annoy the shit out of you. He saw you laying in your bed, D.D.D in your hands while scrolling through some memes and videos. “Hohoho what’s up, my human! Ya miss me, The Great Mammon?” he proudly screamed behind you. Anybody outside the door could probably hear his voice. You grabbed a small pillow from your bed and threw it to Mammon’s chest. He has a fast reflex (probably from all of the stealing lol sorry hon) so he quickly catched it. “Ey! That’s not how ya treat your FIRST, okay?!” he threw the pillow back to your bed. “What do you want, Mammon-sama The GREAT?” you asked him with a flat face, still holding your D.D.D. “Let’s do sumthin’ exciting. Whaddya say?” he said. “Exciting?” you asked him with a lenny face and then you got up from leaning down and sat on the bedside. “So, what’s the plan?” you try to find an idea. Mammon explained that he recently found out about some human world challenges and it looks fun. Since it was Saturday, everyone deserves to take a break, right? You and Mammon began to knock on everyone’s door while recording every second with Mammon’s D.D.D. “I’m gonna upload this to DevilTube and gain so many views!” he murmured to himself. You guys were like vlogging. First stop, Levi’s room. Of course this nerdy otaku needs to be invited first, since he’s usually so hyped about trending games, pranks, and challenges which his idols did. “Leviii~” a few knocks could be heard. “What’s the secret phrase?” he yelled from inside the room. “The second lord-” you tried to say it but was interrupted by the white haired demon beside you. “Aye aye, just come out already! We're gonna do some challenges, ya down or nah?” He put his mouth so close to the wooden door, leaning his body forward. Levi suddenly opened the door, causing Mammon to almost fall. Well, he fell actually. Levi laughed at him before he could ask what kind of challenges you guys were planning to do. “Is it like the ones Lelaine did on her video? Oooh it was a collab with Carrolia.” he giggled in excitement. “Ya don’t give a damn about your brother who just fell?!” Mammon smacked his sibling’s shoulder. “Eheheheh no… I prefer talking about my fav DevilTubers with y/n.” Levi replied, showing no concern about Mammon whatsoever. You covered your mouth with your hand to hold in the laughter. “Yeah, Levi… probably something like that.” you uttered. You three were walking through the hallway. Not long after, you found Beel in the kitchen like always, and asked him to have fun together. Of course he agreed, but with one condition. He’ll bring food. That’s all. Just a pile of food and snacks. Four of you went to the living room and texted everybody else to gather around.

Alright, after everyone's present, it’s time to have some fun! “So… the first game, What’s In My Mouth Challenge! Wooo…!” You and Mammon walk around the room recording everyone’s faces, jumping a little. Lucifer chuckled seeing your cute reaction. You were so hyped up, and that makes them happy too. “I’ve seen a similar challenge in the Devilgram.” Satan nodded “Let’s do it.” He closed his book with a slap sound. “Woooaaahhh look at this look at this!” Levi showed you all a video from a female DevilTuber doing the same challenge. “Carrolia, right?” Belphie stated, half asleep on the couch. “YoU kNoW hER?!” everybody in that room could see the sparkles in Levi’s eyes. “I’m gonna prepare my D.D.D for some photos, okay? Who doesn't wanna see me doing cool challenges like this.” yep, it’s Asmo, of course. You clapped your hands and explained the rules. Everyone’s attention is now brought towards you. “Basically all you need to do is eat or taste anything I put in your mouth. Don’t worry, there won’t be any nasty things, hehehe. After that, try to guess what food and flavor it is within 5 seconds.” you giggled. Your words were continued by Mammon, “One with the correct answers will get a reward and the opposite thing applies to those with the wrong answers. They will get a punishment.” Asmo did a small clapping with his fingers, “Ohh, intriguing…” Beel asked about the order, who will go first. So you took a few straws to determine the person that will get the shortest straw. And, the result was…

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