☁️ Let's Be Bad Together (Belphegor)

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Songs :
• You bring no sadness - Sondia
• Somewhere Only We Know - Glee Cast, Darren Criss
• We Don't Care - Sigala, The Vamps
• Good Vibes - HRVY, Matoma

Gender neutral.

Today is classmeeting day. It is a really fun event but exhausting at the same time. As an exchange student, you need to also help the student council members to prepare the necessary stuff. You have been chosen as a committee. As you walk through the stalls, you see Belphie trying to prevent Beel from emptying the display foods. “B- Beel NO! What if we have none left??” He hugged Beel from behind but Belphie is less powerful than his twin brother. “BEEL… STAY BOY!” you yelled from a few meters far. At that moment, the orange haired demon froze in his spot. “Y/n? Fhew... I’m glad you’re here. We almost ran out of display stocks.” Belphie said to you in a huffed voice, tired from pulling Beel. “Haha… you’re welcome. Beel, you can move now, just- have mercy for our food stalls.” you ask him in a begging tone. “Mmmh, fine. I’ll go to the cafeteria. See you!” he waved his hand at you and Belphie, leaving both of you in the middle of the crowd. “Monitoring everything is hard, huh?'' sleepy boi sighed. He looks tired, so you decide to buy him a drink from one of the vending machines. “You bought this for me? Heh, thank you y/n.” Belphie’s face turns bright. You and him decide to go somewhere quiet, to just relax for a while. Sipping the can of soda, Belphie lays himself on the bench. “Mind being my pillow?” he asked you nicely. You sit beside him and he puts his head on your lap. Caressing his dark blue and white hair, you gaze through the school garden as the sky’s getting dark. You both embrace those heavenly and calm moments where nobody came to interrupt.

“Let’s head back, y/n. I rather sleep in my bedroom, cuddling with you.” Belphie rise and hugs your arm, eyes still a little sleepy. You give him a warm and happy smile seeing him like that makes your heart filled with sparks. Both of you walk home after the sun is setting down. Walking through the Devildom streets, filled with twinkling lights, you sighed calmly while taking in the admirable view around you. Holding Belphie’s hand, you walk past some flower store. There is this one flower that catches both of your attention. “Those are Hyacinth. They smell good and bloom just once a year.” Apparently the flower store is about to close when Belphie comes to them. “Excuse me, can I have that one?” He asks the store employee. “Oh, the purple Hyacinth? Here, you can have it. It’s the last one, and nobody is going to buy just one stem anyway.” the man hands the flower while smiling to Belphie. “Thank you very much, Sir. I’ll be going.” The dark blue haired demon gives the flower to you. And you snuffle the aroma just as expected. “Wow… you know this kind of stuff?” you ask the demon beside you. “It’s no big deal, heh.” he scratches the back of his neck. But one thing you know, even though he sleeps 24/7, Belphie is quite smart. Even his brothers are sometimes confused. You and Belphie continue your trip back to the House of Lamentation.

When you both got to the attic room, you put the flower beside the bed. Feeling the warmth and softness of the blanket, you feel like driving to the dream land right away. Suddenly Belphie tackled your body to the fluffy and tender bed. You avenge him with surprise tickles. After getting tired, you both hug each other and feel the warm embrace. The cold air couldn’t pierce through you, as if you and Belphie are protecting each other. This lasted until tomorrow. You wake up feeling refreshed, eyes a bit heavy. With messy hair and disheveled shirt, you make your way to the common bathroom, leaving Belphie who’s still sleeping in the bed. You walk through the hallway, greeting the demons that come across. “Oi, y/n. Have you seen Levi anywhere?” Mammon running towards you. You shake your head left and right. “That goddamn old taco is not in his room. I need to borrow his money but he just won't help his suffering brother here.” he continues to search for Levi. You laughed so hard hearing the word ‘old taco’ Mammon just said. “Mammon, it’s otaku!!!” you yell to him from across the corridor. “Yeahhh whatever that is!” he keeps running to find his purple haired brother. After taking a refreshing shower, you dress up in your usual uniform and come to get Belphie. Apparently he’s ready. You are slightly confused since he didn’t use the bathroom. “What? Slothful people find easier ways to live their day.” he said to you with a grin. You don’t wanna question anything more so both of you just go downstairs and have breakfast.

You just realize that right now is 8.12 AM. The school starts at 8.15. There is no way you both can make it in time to class. No one is at the dining table, no wonder. “Relax, I know a way.” Belphie said to you with a low voice. “How? There’s only 3 minutes left- TWO!” you panicked as the number on your phone screen strikes to 8.13 AM. “Follow me! Come on.” He grabs your wrist as you both speed walk through the pavement. Arriving near the school gate, Belphie threw his bag across the brick wall. The wall isn’t that tall, only about 2 meters. And it’s not located at the front, more like a side wall, where no one rarely walks past by. “Here, you can use my shoulder as a footing.” He lowers his body right in front of the wall. You hesitated at first but you just can’t refuse his persuading smile. After you’re in, you hold out your hand, reaching for the dark blue haired demon’s arm. He jumps right over the old and fragile brick wall. “Fhew, you alright?” he asks while checking on you. You nod and run together to the class. “Belphegor, Y/n. May I know the reason behind your lateness?” the teacher asks us with an irritated tone. “S- sorry, Ma’am I was-” your speech is interrupted by Belphie’s. “Sorry Ma’am, but we are only 2 minutes late. In the rule book, penalties are given only for lateness exceeding 5 minutes.” the teacher seems startled. “Did I mention about giving you a penalty? I am simply asking for a reason.” our teacher speaks again. “We were… um, we woke up late.” you let those words flow from your mouth. “Next time, please be on time. That applies to all of you.” she tells the whole class. Belphie’s still holding your hand while you and him walk to your seats.

Bell rings and everyone’s excited to finish the boring lesson. Lucifer comes to your class, and he lets you and the other brothers know that you must be actively involved in the committee for this event. After Lucifer leaves, you joke around with Belphie inside the class for quite a while. It is simply because you guys are too lazy to do any work. Being a rebel against Lucifer is a normal thing. He might be annoyed but hey, at least we didn’t trouble him as much as Mammon. “You guys aren’t going to leave?” Satan asks from the class doorway. “Nah, we’re going to hang around a bit.” you reply. Satan chuckles and leaves you and Belphie in the classroom. Both of you sigh as you lay yourself in the lined up chairs. Dozing off for a few minutes, well probably an hour, you wake up feeling surprised. “Hahh, what time is it?!” you try your best to not yell and contain your panicking. “2 PM. What’s the matter?” The youngest student council member seems so relaxed and chill, raising his legs on the table. Ticking clocks and bird tweets are the only thing that break the silence in that empty room. “Sigh… Let’s go.” Belphie gets up from his seat and offers his hand. “Where?” you ask with a confused stare. “Having fun.” He smiles.

There you are, hiding behind a pillar while trying to dodge Lucifer and Diavolo. Belphie tries his best to remain unnoticed. After succeeding to avoid the other student councils, you arrive at a garden filled with fireflies. You didn’t notice how much time has passed by, and it’s evening already. The lights of those little insects fly around you. The decoration, lamp posts, and flowers make everything better. “Beautiful, right?” Belphie spreads out his arms, showing all of the magnificent view around you. “They put so much effort into this event huh…” the environment seems really different from the usual, even though this is just the normal school garden where you and the others generally play around. Inhaling a deep breath and exhaling it all out, you feel really blissful. You hug Belphie who is standing in front of you, and he hugs you back. “Oh, and… here.” he picks up something from his pocket. “I bought this while thinking about you.” he romantically gives you the matching bracelets. He’s blushing as you kiss him on the lips. “Are you happy?” he asks you with a calm voice, hoping that you would say yes. Of course you do. Hearing your approval, his face began to lit up. The image of his joyful smile has been burned inside your brain. “Ahhh, so this is where you two have been.” You can hear Asmo’s voice from the garden gate. “Belphie, y/n, let’s have something to eat!” Beel invites you. You and Belphie listen to Beel's words and go to the cafeteria. Meeting all of the demon brothers there, along with Diavolo, Barbatos, and the other exchange students, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon. All of you eat together at the canteen. It is indeed a really delicious evening meal. After the event is over, you help by cleaning up the mess and tidying up the food tents. Exhausting, but maybe it’s a fair price for skipping your responsibilities that noon. Back at the House of Lamentation, you and Belphie sleep soundly through the whole night.

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