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a/n welcome to chapter one, any comments or feedback is greatly appreciated!!!!


Karl wasn't quiet, in any sense of the word. He was always interrupting people, whether intentionally or accidentally.
He spoke loudly and constantly, but never with much confidence.

USC had a nice campus. Not as clean as Karl would've hoped, but it wasn't trashy.
In the past five months Karl had actually grown rather fond of the library. It was where Dream was most of the time, always there with his nose in a book. Dream was good at tuning Karl out, so he'd just go to the library and sit on the couch while Dream sat in the chair right across from him. Karl would talk his ears off, rattling on for hours about who knows what.
It was kind of like therapy.

"Karl, no one besides you cares if the chicken or the egg came first," Dream remarked without ever looking up from his book.

"But--" Karl shut up when he walked in.

"Hey," Sapnap walked directly to Dream pulling him in for stupid, dumb bro hug.

Of course Dream put down his book, anything for Sapnap.

Karl rolled his eyes and slumped down on the couch, tossing his head back and staring at the ceiling.

Of course he knew Sapnap, everyone knew Sapnap. He was closer with Dream, he had known Clay longer having grown up with him. Karl was forever grateful they'd ended up at the same college. Even if Dream was two years older than him and after next year Karl would be all alone again just like those last two grueling years of high school. He was still grateful.

"Karl, how are you?" Sapnap finally acknowledged him after talking to Dream for five minutes about last night's game from some sport (Karl had given up on keeping track of which "season" it was. Basketball, football, baseball, it's all the same bullshit).

Karl let out a small grunt in response, he attempted to swing his legs up onto the couch but he was blocked by Sapnap plopping down, making himself at home. Karl wanted to sigh and roll his eyes but he'd never go through with it.

He told himself he wasn't intimidated by Sapnap, he was taller than him. But height wasn't a huge factor since Sapnap was tall in demeanor, and that terrified Karl.

Sapnap was sitting way too close to him for Karl to relax. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans before shoving his hands under his thighs.

"Karl doesn't like sports," Dream explains.

"Ah I see," Sapnap smirks, giving Karl a look that made him want to crawl in a hole and die.

Sapnap reaches over a few inches to feel the cuff of Karl's sleeve. Karl's breath catches in his throat when their hands lightly brush. Sapnap must have noticed because his ever present smirk only grew as he spoke.

"This is soft, where'd you get it?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"Uh, I think I just got it at Old Navy actually. Old Navy never really gets enough credit. I mean, there's nothing spectacular there, but they've got great basics," Karl rambled on,"And basics are like the foundation of your wardrobe, you know? Like you could have a Gucci belt but what good is that if you don't have a good pair of jeans to wear it with."

Karl noticed the look exchanged between Dream and Sapnap. They hate me, he thought, why can't I ever just shut up.

"Sure, totally," Sapnap finally responded to Karl's previous monologue.

Karl sighed and threw his head back once more returning his gaze to the ceiling. Dream and Sapnap let their conversation drift from one thing to the next and Karl couldn't be less interested.

Sapnap was the first person Karl met at college. Him and Dream are roommates. Karl would've given anything to be Dream's roommate but he got stuck with some random dude he didn't know. George was fine, him and Karl were actually into a lot of the same things.

The first time Karl met Sapnap he hadn't been able to speak at all. Sapnap had obviously taken note of how flustered he made Karl, and used it to his advantage every chance he got. Dream had teased him about it later that night saying that Karl couldn't speak around Sapnap cause all the blood from his brain had gone straight to his dick. This led to Karl practically yelling at him and threatening to cut off Dream's dick if he ever said anything like that again. Dream had managed to keep his mouth shut since then.

"Karl, do you want to come?" Karl's thoughts were interrupted by Sapnap.

"Hm?" Karl turned his attention away from the ceiling.

"Quackity's frat is having a party tonight," Sapnap explained,"it'll be fun."

Karl opened his mouth to reject the invitation, but he was cut off by Dream.

"You're coming," Dream remarked, "I won't be around here forever. You have to make friends eventually."

"I have friends," Karl protested.

"Who?" Dream scoffed.

"George is my friend."

"Well then George can come too."

Karl sighed. He didn't feel like fighting. Maybe Dream was right, this could be good for him.


Five minutes hadn't passed before Karl left. If he was going to a party he might as well look nice. Hell, maybe he'd even get laid. Lord knows it's been a while.

"We're going to a party tonight."

"What kind of party?" George must've thought he was joking because he didn't bother looking up from his computer.

"Quackity's frat is having a party, Sapnap invited us."

George finally paused his game and took off his headphones, "Sapnap invited us?" George raised his eyebrows.

"Well Sapnap invited Dream, who invited me, and then I said I wouldn't go unless you came." Karl hoped George would agree without a fight, but he also knew how crazy it sounded.

"Did you say Dream is gonna be there?"


"Let me know when we're leaving," George turned back to his game sliding on his headphones.

Karl let out a sigh of relief. That was easier than he thought it would be. But also, the only time George ever bothered looking up from the computer was when Dream was over.

Karl must've gone through 15 shirts before finally settling on a pastel purple, white striped polo. He cuffed and uncuffed his light wash jeans before finally cuffing them and sliding on his converse. He sighed looking at himself in the mirror. He switched the part of his hair to the middle, thinking maybe he'd switch things up tonight. However he quickly realized he was not nearly bold enough to pull it off.

"Are you ready?" Karl stepped out of the bathroom and found George in the exact position in which he had left him.

"Yeah," George logged off his computer, tossing his headphones into his seat when he stood up. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his gray sweats and rocked back and forth on his black Vans.

"What do you not like it?" George challenged.

"No, no, you look," Karl raised his eyebrows,"comfortable."

George rolled his eyes, and picked up his keys off his desk shoving them down his pocket. "I'll be designated driver."

"It's fine I'm not drinking tonight," Karl explained.

George only raised his eyebrows.
They walked out the door and Karl never grabbed his keys.
a/n ok thats chapter one hope you enjoyed!!

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