The Sleepover (Part 2)

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"How was practice?", I hear my grandfather ask as I open the fridge to pull out the delicious apple pie that I made yesterday.

"Good.", I reply unfocused as I put whipped cream on the entire pie, "I'm going to head to bed now."

"G'night", my grandfather says with a yawn.

I grab a handful of forks and napkins. Plates are for wimps I'm eating it out of the pan 'cause I can.

I run into the bathroom and change into a black crop-top with some band name on it, and a pair of old volleyball spandex shorts. I get the looser ones now because the other spandex can be uncomfortable. I put my hair up into a messy bun and throw my bag in the corner, making sure to grab out my Nintendo Switch of course. I then head over to the guest room and find Kuroo passed out on a Futon.

"Beryllium...", he mutters.

I swear is that man naming the periodic table of elements in his sleep? I've heard of being good at chemistry, but not this good. I sneak around and grab Kenma's console and silently slide the door closed behind me. I lean against it with a sigh and run back up to my room to eat my pie.

I slide open the door and fangirl. Kenma is hiding in a burrito of blankets playing minecraft. All I can see is his face and he's absolutely adorable. His eyes are locked on the screen as I set his console in his lap and hop on the bed behind him. He pauses the game and looks down at his console.

"I swiped it off Kuroo.", I said and began to dig into my apple pie.

He looks back and just stares, I get slightly flustered by this. Then I realize he's staring at my pie. I reluctantly get up and walk over to him, plopping down next to the boy and put the pie, forks, and napkins between us and grab a controller.

I begin to log in when I hear a quiet thank you from the shy boy next to me and I smile with a mouth full of whipped cream and he starts chuckling.

"I think you missed some.", he says, still laughing.

"What?", I ask, swallowing my bite of pie.

"Never mind.", he says and turns back to the screen.

I feel my nose and turn bright red when I realize that there's whipped cream on my nose.

The boy turns to me again, seeing my reaction and bursts out laughing again.

"Sh-shut up!", I say mortified.

By now there are tears in his eyes from laughing so hard and he's holding his stomach slightly.

"Great to know I'm that funny.", I say wryly.

He just keeps laughing. Eventually I can't help myself and begin laughing too. The rest of the night is a blur of us throwing whipped cream at each other, gaming, and laughing.


I wake up to a bright white flash and a snapping sound along with hyena laughter.

"You two look like you got comfortable.", I hear a teasing voice say.

I groan sleepily rubbing my eyes and realize I was lying on Kenma. Yep lying on top of him and he was holding me. I look up to see a rooster with bedhead standing in the doorway, holding his phone. I silently slip out of Kenma's arms, a bright shade of red, mourning the loss of warmth and sleep. Kenma groans sleepily and I freeze trying not to wake up the cute baby.

After making sure I didn't wake up Kenma I shove the god forsaken chemistry loving rooster out of the bedroom and close the door behind me. I take a deep breath and give him hell, but quiet enough not to wake Kenma up.

Kenma POV

I've been up. I've been up for a while now but Y/n was just so comfortable and cute I pretended to be sleeping. I missed the warmth from where she was laying before.

I sat up with a sigh, hearing insult after insult hurled in Kuroo's direction. She was attacking him from all angles, his hair, his spiking, his blocking, his nerdiness, I would not dare repeat what she was saying. My mind would feel unholy even just thinking it. How does such a pretty mouth release such ugly words. Wait pretty mouth? What am I thinking?

Author's Note: I apologize for the late update, this story is not Mature I'm trying to fix that. Also please checkout my Quotev account. My name is Chuuya Nakahara84. Thank you for waiting and I apologize again.

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