"Just no other Skeksis here to help if injured." Sil said.

"That's why it would be beneficial if you gave some blood." Goliath insisted.

"Alright." Sil reluctantly agreed.

Dr. Sato was glad to hear it. He didn't know what a Skeksis' biology was all about or what would be normal for him. He hoped Sil was calm enough.

Sato examined Sil first. This was the first time he was being examined since first coming here. Sil's heart was pounding a little harder than usual because he was so nervous about this.

"I take it you're nervous?" Dr. Sato inquired.


"Before we go further, sit back and try to relax. Take some deep breaths. Slowly let them out." Sato instructed.

"Try to remain calm." Brooklyn urged. He came over to his friend to try to help him calm down.

Sil closed his eyes and just took the breaths, letting them go slowly. He could still smell the scent of the alcohol. It bothered him.

When he seemed calm enough, Sato asked him which was his dominant arm.

"Left one preferred." Sil said.

"Alright. I need the sleeve pulled up." Sato mentioned.

Sil pulled up his sleeve. It was just enough for the doc to now get a band around his bicep. When he tied it in place, Sil bared his teeth. It hurt.

"It'll hurt for a short time. I'll take it off once I get the needle hooked up and going." Sato stated. "Make a fist now."

Sil followed the order. The man felt around his elbow area and found a good vein. Sil groaned in discomfort. "Hurry up!" he growled.

Sato cleaned the spot and then was about to poke the needle in. "It might be easier to look away from what I'm doing." he said.

Sil looked up at Brooklyn as a distraction. "Yeah, look at me." The red gargoyle said.

The doc poked the needle into his arm. Sil cried out. He was just about to feel like hitting the human.

"Sil, don't." Brooklyn declared.

The needle was in his skin, and it began to draw his blood. Then, Sato finally untied the band on his bicep. His blood continued to be drawn into the IV bag.

Sil looked back over at the moment, and he saw his blood going through the tube into the bag. That was his lifeblood.

"HmmmMMmmm..." Sil moaned. He laid back in the chair. He looked away from it.

"You're doing really well, Chamberlain. See, it's not that bad." Brooklyn complimented him.

"Not like it..." Sil glared.

A few minutes later, a pint of blood had been done collected from him. Dr. Sato knew he would need to study Sil's blood further because he was a new species. But now there was some blood that would be available for him if needed.

A pressure bandage was applied to his arm, and he was now allowed to move to the other chair where he was allowed to eat and drink again. They all had to keep their bandages on for about five hours tops. The gargoyles would be able to take them off before sunrise. Sil too.

The clan was now done, and they could go. Dr. Sato was going to stay and get the blood where they needed to be. He wanted to study Sil's blood first and compare it with the gargoyles' blood samples.

The clan was all glad that it was all over with for the next few months.


A few nights later, when the clan was presumed well enough to be out and about again, Chamberlain was with Brooklyn and Goliath tonight on a patrol with Elisa.

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