She faked a sad pout on her lips as Ron rolled his eyes unamusingly, "It's alright, I'll only tease you about it for a few days, no worries." she stated nonchalantly.

"Besides, after all that crap you said to me, I need my payback." Y/N continued, earning a huff from the red-head boy, "Whatever." he growled as the Ravenclaw's smirk widened immensely, "Now that's the spirit!"

The group snickered together as they watched the two's interaction, Ron couldn't help himself but join in. Y/N wasn;t going to lie, she missed these moments, where everybody was just laughing, happily, all their worries no longer with them.

Though, she knew that these moments would only become rarer and rarer.


The group of friends were now seated at the Gryffindor table as they ate their breakfast. Hermione had already finished hers, she was focused on the new daily prophet that just came out today.

"It's still bloody amazing on how you came up with the summoning charm." Caleb praised as he shoved a biscuit into his mouth, earning a hum from Lizzy.

She quirked her eyebrow up as she glanced towards the Ravenclaw with a curious look, "Yeah, besides how did you come up with it, never thought of you for being the smart one."

The Ravenclaw short her an unamused look to which she shrugged defensively at, "I mean, you're not the best in charms, last time I remember you almost obliviated Professor Filtwick by accident." she retaliated causing Y/N's eyes to narrow at her.

"Remember the time you tried the Cheering Charm on Harry but you only made him a depressed dork." Aidan chimed in causing everybody but Harry and Y/N to snicker as they recalled the event.

"It was horrible." Harry muttered lowly, earning a playful nudge from Ron, "You were quite exciting when you were all sad and gloomy."

The Ravenclaw scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Okay, we've got the point." she grumbled irritatedly before letting out a sigh, "Actually, Moody helped me a little, he gave me a few hints about the Summoning Charm."

The group nodded and hummed understandingly as she side glanced over to the bushy-haired girl beside her, who was still buried in the Daily Prophet in her arms before she turned back to the group, "Though, Granger and I did stay up all night before the task to practice it."

"Hah! I told you she didn't do it by herself." Caleb mused, earning another scoff from the Ravenclaw, "You all are idiots."

Suddenly, two voices sounded, "Hi Y/N." Padma and Parvarti called out dreamily.

Startling the Ravenclaw abit she nodded and smiled towards Parvarti and Padma, not knowing how else to react.

She shifted her gaze back to the group of friends, snickering as she caught the raven-haired boy drooling as he stared out to the Ravenclaw table, where Cho was sitting and smiling towards him.

The Ravenclaw playfully kicked his leg under the table, causing him to spin around to be met with the smirked expression spreaded across Y/N's face, "You know she's getting along with Cedric right?"

Harry's eyes narrowed at the girl to which she shrugged playfully at, "Got a little bit of drool over there, Potter." she teased as Harry quickly wiped his mouth clean with a napkin, earning a snicker from the ravenclaw.

"I don't believe it!" Hermione growled, everybody's attention was now turned towards her as she scowled at the parchment in her hands, "She's done it again."

She slammed the Prophet down onto the table, curiously the group of friends peered their heads over to read through the parchment. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed together as she scanned through the large headline, 'LOVE TRIANGLE INVOLVING Y/N?!'

Y/N glanced over to the bushy-haired girl, she could make out the fuming anger under her scowled expression, the Ravenclaw's eyebrows furrowed deeper together as she turned back ot the piece of parchment.

"Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Not long ago was seen having a romantic time with Y/N Y/L/N, though it seems her latest prey, sources report, is none other than Bulgarian bonbon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Y/N Y/L/N is taking this latest emotional blow."

"You and Krum?" Ron scoffed, "That's rich." he chuckled as Hermione glowered at him. Instantly his face fell as he shrugged nervously, "I just mean...I know you. Krum's famous."

The bushy-haired girl rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Who's more famous than Y/N Y/L/N and Harry Potter? And they're your best friends."

The Ravenclaw chuckled as she shook her head disapprovingly, "Rita's really not giving it a break is she? Last month she wrote about me and Angelique, yesterday she wrote about me and you, today she's writing about you and Viktor."

"She really loves drama, doesn't she?" Y/N mused, earning a shake of her head from the bushy-haired girl.

Just then, a tiny first year boy dashed up towards the group with a floppy box, "Parcel for you, Mr Weasley." he beamed as Ron thanked the boy, "Ah thank you, Nigel."

Though, the first year boy hadn't left instead he stared at Y/N and Harry with jittery awe, to which they watched confusingly, "Not now, Nigel." Ron whispered as the boy stumbled away.

All eyes were now on the red-head boy as he shrugged innocently, "I told him I'd get him your autographs." he muttered out but before anybody could respond he opened up the parcel, quickly changing the topic, "Hey look. Mum's sent me a..."

The group watched as Ron lifts out a lace-trimmed gown from the box, he's face stared at it with disgust, "dress..". "Does match your eyes." Harry teased, earning a hum from Lizzy, "Is there a bonnet?"

"Nose out, both of you." Ron retorted as he walked over to where Ginny was sat, "Hey, Ginny. This must be for you."

Ginny's eyebrows furrowed together as she stares at the piece of clothing with utter disgust, "I'm not wearing that. It's ghastly."

Instantly the Ravenclaw bit her bottom lip trying to stifle a laugh from escaping her lips, Caleb, Aidan were snickering softly, Harry and Lizzy watched amusingly while Hermione had her hands up to her mouth, trying to suppress a laugh from escaping.

Ron eyed the group quizzically, "What're you all on about?" he questioned curiously as Hermione let out a snicker, "They're not for Ginny." she stated causing Ron's eyebrows to furrow deeper together.

Aidan nodded as he eyed the piece of clothing in his hold once more, "They're for you. Dress robes."

Ron fell deeper into puzzlement as he stared at the group, "Dress robes? For what?"

"The Yule Ball." McGonagall appeared, startling Ron as the Professor was now standing beside him, "Which if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to you about, Y/L/N."

Instantly, the Ravenclaw's smile faltered, it's really hard to tell if she was in trouble or not, Professor McGonagall seems to make everything seem serious. Though, she hesitantly nodded as she slowly stood up, "I guess I'll see you all later."

Her lips pursed together nervously as she trailed behind Professor McGonagall out of the Great Hall, trying to recall if she'd done anything bad beforehand.


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