Before the Festival - Chapter 44

Start from the beginning


As class was about to start, we both got our stuff ready as we prepared to leave. "So, Shuichi... How was it?"

"It was really good, as always." he reassured me without facing back. A blush appears along with a happy smile as I hug him from behind, making him gasp.


"N-No problem!" he stutters as he stiffens up, putting up his hands as I continue to straddle him, placing my arms right above his waist. He blushed intensely but kisses me on the forehead, tickling me a bit resulting in a laugh from me. Eventually, we separated with stupid laughs as we make our way back to class. As we entered the classroom, Mr. Harada's usual demeanor changed completely... He was leaning on the table in the front with motivated eyes.

"Welcome." he waves to us. He's never greeted us before!

"H-Hey." I mutter. I wasn't used to this Harada yet.

"Huh? Why's Mr. Harada look so creepy right now?" Chabashira shivered as she took her seat. She was kinda right, he seemed more attentive than usual.

"I'll let that comment slide because I don't take insults to the heart from kids." he sighed. "Class, after school, we're going to start preparing for the festival."

"Yea, we were gonna do that anyway." Yumeno told him as she sat down.

"Well, of course." he nodded. "But this time, I'm gonna be here to help you out." he pointed at us, moving his finger to meet us individually.

"You weren't gonna be here before?" Tojo frowned slightly at his statement.

"Well, I would've been here but... Not helping you." he shrugged. "But now, I'm not allowing you to do something half-baked for the festival."

"Why?" Keebo asked.

I was wondering about that... 

"Bet with another teacher." he quickly replied as crossed his arms.

So it's something petty... 


Actually, it makes sense.

"So, what are you guys doing?" he faced us with full attention as he sat down, crossing his arms across the table.

"Well... We're doing a musical performance that shows all our talents..." Shuichi explained to him. "So far, we only know Kaede is playing piano."

"What does that mean?" he bit his thumb, thinking to himself.

"We'll be showcasing our talents while ol' leader Kaede will do a piano solo!" Oma continued for Shuichi. "For example, Iruma will show her useless inventions in the background!"

"Th-They're not useless!" she retorted with a flushed face. "Just because you haven't fuckin' experienced them doesn't give you the right to insult them!"

"Yes Iruma, I've seen them. I've built things better in a LEGO set." the supreme leader gave a smug look as he looked at his fingernails.

"Okay, that's surprisingly good." Mr. Harada put a hand to his chin. "That could work if performed well. You kids have interesting talents, plus the judges will eat up us demonstrating those talents."

"Okay, let's get started right now!" Momota put a fist up excitedly.

"That's a later thing, we'll get to it when we get to it." he scratched the back of his head. "Let's begin class now."

"Quick, someone ask a question to distract him before he starts lecture!" Oma shouted with a grin, putting his hand to his mouth to amplify the noise. Mr. Harada sighed as he shook his head.

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