🌸☁️] Insomnia

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Ever since the 'Incident' with Adam, Kaoru hasn't been able to sleep comfortably. Not even the lullaby that Carla plays for him to help him didn't work. Every night since he left the hospital it got more and more difficult to keep himself together. It also didn't help he had severe anxiety.

The pink haired male sat up from his bed, throwing off the covers and sliding on his slippers, putting on his glasses while he was at it. He turned on his bed side lamp and grabbed his phone that was currently charging.

The last thing he wanted to do was to wake up Kojiro but he had no other choice. Kojiro was the only other thing that could get him to sleep. He hasn't bothered him for a few weeks after he asked once, making it through the day was challenging but he still managed with coffee and other sources of caffeine.

"Kojiro..." He mumbled after he had picked up.

"Its two in the morning, what do you need four eyes?" Kojiro's sleepy voice still came through clear. Kaoru felt worse than he did before he thought of the idea.

"I need you...again. Please. This'll be the last time. I promise."

The man on the other side of the call smiled to himself, sitting up on his bed and looked at the alarm clock on the table beside him. "I'll be over in 5. Is that okay, Kaoru?" his voice softened and he refrained from using insults, even if he was using them as a joke. Kaoru needed him.

"That's fine. Be safe." He replied and hung up shortly after.

He made his way to the kitchen, turning on the light. He flinched at the sudden bright light that filled the room. It took his eyes a second to adjust before he grabbed a small glass. He took a minute to choose between water or wine.

Water would be better but wine-

Wine sounded good right now. It also made him a bit sleepy if he had too many glasses. Once it was decided and he poured a glass, Kojiro was already knocking on the door. He had a spare key to his apartment but he still knocked anyways.

Kaoru set the glass down, rushing to the door. He opened it and revealed his lover with a stupid smile on his face. One that was already making him feel better.

Before he was given time to react or greet him he was being kissed on the forehead and picked up bridal style. "Wha- Kojiro, what are you doing?"

"Dont worry about it princess." He smirked and closed the door with his heel, walking over to the living room and setting his pink haired husband down on the couch. "But-"

"Ah. I said don't worry about it. Let me take care of you." Kojiro gave him a small kiss, walking out of sight for a few seconds and coming back with two glasses of wine and the bottle. "You know, you really shouldn't drink wine this late." He sighed and handed the man the glass before taking a sip of his own.

"Mmn, says the one who poured their own glass."

"Aye, I didn't want to feel left out."

Kaoru rolled his eyes, leaning into Kojiro's side once he decided to sit down. "Seeing as though I'm here now. I've been wanting to tell you about something.

"Oh goodness, here we go." Kaoru smiled to himself, taking at least half the cup of wine with one sip. He was desperate.

"I want to move in with you."

Kaoru almost spat out his drink. "What?" The male grabbed his beloved's hand, gripping it and staring at his dimly lit features. "Are-- Are you sure? I mean, that's a big thing." Alarm struck through him and that ruined any chances of him getting to sleep. He felt a surge of adrenaline pass through him at his words.

Kojiro just chuckled, pushing some loose strands of pink hair behind his husband's ear. "Of course. I mean getting married is a big thing too, you know." he reasoned, trying to sooth his concerned Kaoru.

"I mean yeah, but are you really sure? I mean...you'll have to deal with me constantly." His voice trailed off into a small whisper as he poured himself yet another glass.

Kojiro frowned a little, cupping his face and giving him a short kiss. "I'm perfectly fine with dealing with you all the time. That's what I signed up for when I said 'I do'. In fact I cant get enough of you. You're the one whos gonna have to deal with me." His frown turned back into a small smile. God he loved Kaoru. He would spend ever second with him if he had the chance too.

Hearing that made Kaoru feel so much better.

"If you're sure then okay." Kaoru laid his head back on his lover's shoulder. He took in the fresh scent of wine that lingered in both of their breaths and the usual smell of the cologne Kojiro used. It was relaxing and made Kojiro feel...nice. The 'usual' smell of Kojiro's cologne was even more intoxicating than his normal one he wore.

It was way more soft and it fit Kojiro well. "Is that a new cologne, Jiro?"

"Hm? Yeah. Why?"

"I like it..it suits you." Kaoru set his glass off to the side without taking his eyes off his husband. It could just be the wine and the fact Hes running on less than two hours of sleep but Kojiro looked really damn good.

"What's that look for, Pinky?" Kojiro smirked, tipping the man's chin up and running his thumb across his bottom lip. He used his other hand to take of Kaoru's glasses and set them off to the side. "Can't I just admire you without your teasing?" Kaoru grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together and giving them a kiss. "I love teasing you though."

"I'm aware, stupid flirt."

"I'm your stupid flirt"

Kaoru ran his fingers through the curly green hair of his husband. "Damn right you are. " he replied with a small huff, running his hand back down to his chest. "These are mine too." He teased, cupping his husbands pecks, well 'chesticles' as he called them.

"All yours." Kojiro chuckled again, pulling Kaoru into his arms and laying down on the couch. "C'mon time to sleep. You can have them all you want in the morning."

Kaoru didn't retort or argue. instead he snuggled into his husbands arms, wrapping his own around his torso. Kojiro's big build next to his fragile body made for the best hugs and cuddles anyone could ask for.

Just like that he was drifting off to sleep.



Aye we are almost at 8k reads :D


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