❤️☁️] Him. Prt. 2

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As requested heres a part two <3

I wasn't planning on making a second part but here we are >:D

Enjoy Besties <33


Kojiro was successful with his little escape plan. He made it to a nearby alleyway to gather himself before focusing on getting home. 'Holy shit. Holy shit. Why did I do that-' He threw his flushed face into his hands, glaring at the ground beneath him. 'He's literally in love with another dude- I cant face him now. Holy shit.'

While Kojiro was having his little crisis, Kaoru was just left there. Standing alone and quite flustered. His mind was racing, so was his heart. He shifted his gaze from where Kojiro was recently standing to the blue haired boy who was just finishing up a call. It was still amazing how Adam didnt seem to see any of.. that. Then again, he only payed attention to himself.

'Fuck that guy, where's Jiro.'

Kaoru grabbed his own bag, along with his water bottle and skateboard. It took him a few seconds to fiddle with the strap on his bag to be able to fit his skateboard in. "Where are you going off too so quickly."

Great, Kaoru really didnt have the time.

"I gotta get home." He threw his bag over his shoulder, beginning to walk off before getting his wrist tugged back toward Adam. "So soon?" His playful, pouty voice was so annoying.

"Yes. 'so soon'. My parents would kill me if I dont get home now."

Adam stared at the pink haired male he had his grasp on. Oh was it a sight to see. He thought he was all aware of Kaoru's feelings, but he's currently in a crisis that he wasn't aware of. "You can't spare a few minutes~"

"No, I really cant-"

"I think you can."

Not only was Kaoru in a rush to find his green haired friend but now he was being forced against a wall. Even if Kaoru still had some pondering feelings for Adam this would still be way past his boundaries. "Adam, let go."

There was a silence, Adam wasn't letting go.

"Stop being persistent and let go Adam." Kaoru struggled to escape the boys grasp. Kaoru wasnt exactly the strongest but Adam's grip was extremely tight. He cold feel his wrists start to ache. "You're hurting me."

Kaoru wasnt afraid of hurting his friend, he was just afraid of the aftermath. He's seen some stuff Adam has done around the school. It wasnt the best. Maybe he was just crazy for seeing anything in the boy. Or maybe they werent feelings, just a strong admiration for his skating techniques and how cool he looked.

Adam inched closer to his face, running his fingers across his lips. This didnt feel any way like Kojiro. Adam was more harsh all while Kojiro was gentle. "Sorry." A smirk creeped up onto his face, his grip only tightening. That caused Kaorus breath to hitch in pain.

Kaoru searched for a way to get out of this situation. His legs. he could still move his legs. "Tch-" He lifted his knee as fast as he could, kicking Adam in the balls.

(As he should.)

'That should put him out of commission for a bit'

He left Adam on the ground in pain. He rushed his way to Kojiros house. He had to be there, where else would he be. Well, apparently in a alleyway nearing his house.

"Kojiro!" Kaoru dropped his bag to the side, running up to his friend who was currently regretting his life choices.

"Kaoru? Wha-" Kojiro stared at his friend who was just a few steps to the side. Oh god, of all times, of all people. Why him?

"Shut up. Explain what all of that was! I know for a fact you weren't just teasing me. If you were, I never wouldve thought YOU, of all guys, would have the balls to go that far." Kaoru was laughing in both disbelief and an odd wave of comfort. He was so glad he found Kojiro.

"Aye, What's that supposed to mean?" He crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. "I have the balls to do a lot of things, thank you." Even with the current situation he's yet to bring up himself, they were both able to playfully argue.

"Then kiss me."


"If you have the balls, kiss me again. Or was that just a bluff Jiro?" He traveled a few steps forward, just enough to pull Kojiros tie close to him, being met face to face with his best friend who thought he could just run off after that.

"But Kaoru-"

"No 'buts' unless it's mine. Now shuddup and do it already."

Kojiro wasn't going to stand there and do nothing, not after he's been wanting to kiss Kaoru for so long. This one isn't going to be one he regrets.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and took Kaoru's waist in his arms, leaning down to kiss his best friend...or whatever they were-

This was definitely way more gentle than anything Adam would do. Kaoru was still irritated at himself for even considering being in any type of relationship with that..thing.

It didn't take long for Kojiro to pull away but Kaoru wasn't finished yet. He fisted his hand into the green curls of Kojiros hair, pulling him down for just a second longer.

"Okay I'm done now." He smiled, letting go of the taller male.

"Kaoru- what the hell." Kojiro let out a small laugh, leaning his back against the cold wall of the alleyway they were still in.

"What? Cmon you know- we both know, you've wanted to do that for a long time."

"So what are-...?"

"You're my boyfriend now." Kaoru picked his backpack back up, sticking his tongue out.

"You're so blunt, I swear. And put that back in your mouth!"

"Or what? Gonna make me?"


Ah yes

Kissing in a alleyway

So ✨romantic


also I'm in desperate need for some help 🙇 if you have any Matchablossom ideas or even headcannons you should... you know 🥴 let me know besties



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