🐑Mechanical Love(part 1)🌹

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                        Deku's Pov

For as long as I could remember I've wanted to be a hero, but I looked to God as an ordinary person so I ended up here.

                 Third Person Pov

"Deku get your head out of the clouds and come help me!"

"Sorry -insert random name- I'll be there in a second!" Deku yelled, looking back. Deku started to walk over to the person when he was stopped by two boys.

"So this is the support class?" one of them said looking around.

"Yeah I think so" said the other. One of the boys looked in front of them.

"Oh! We're sorry!" The more energetic of the two exclaimed.

"No worries! It's quite alright" Deku said with a smile.

"O-oh okay" the boys said, blushing.

"Uh, I'm Sero! Nice to meet you!" one of the boys said.

"Nice to meet you Sero, my name is Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku!" Deku said with a wide smile and holding his hand out.

Sero started blushing more. "O-okay Deku".

" Hey I'm Denki!" The other boy said holding his hand out.

"Nice to meat you Denki" Deku said and shook his hand.

"Well we have to go now, see you later Deku!" Denki said running off.

Deku chuckled "See you later!".

"Oh ho, looks like someone's got a crushhhh". Deku looked at his classmate with flushed cheeks.

"What! No I don't" Deku said nervously. 'Or do I' Deku thought to himself. Maybe I.......

And that's the end of part one! I know it's short but I really wanted to get a chapter out for you guys 😅 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for supporting this book!
Have a good day/afternoon/night!😁

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