"We need to get you home, Lucian," I explained. "You're going to have a killer hangover and we both know how cranky you get then."

Lucian hummed dismissively, moving his head to my neck. "You smell nice. Is that lavender?"

I inhaled sharply as his nose brushed against the side of my neck, followed by a gentle kiss. I opened my mouth to tell him to stop but didn't have to before he stood up shakily, setting me on my feet.

"Have I ever told you quanto cazzo di amore sono con te?" He murmured into my hair as I wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder with a grunt.

"I don't know Italian, Lucian," I reminded him, hearing his grunt before he kissed the top of my head. I cleared my throat, feeling my cheeks warm up.

We walked out of the washroom and I dragged his staggering form towards the exit. Right when I left, I felt a hard smack to my ass and I gasped in shock, turning around to find some drunk asshole smirking at me.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here, baby girl?" He slurred.

I didn't even get a chance to tell him off before Lucian grabbed the collar of his shirt and punched him in the nose. The man fell to the ground immediately and held his nose, groaning.

"Don't you dare lay a fucking hand on my woman," Lucian growled dangerously and probably would have beaten him to a pulp if I hadn't grabbed his arm. "You're a fucking scum for touching women like that without their consent."

"Lucian, let's go," I muttered, pulling him outside. He complained the entire time right as Theo walked out, helping me with the rest of Lucian's weight by wrapping his other arm around his shoulder. "Why the hell was he drinking so much?"

Theo sighed. "If I told you, you'd probably smack him."

I pursed my lips at his response but decided not to push on it, getting Lucian in the passenger's seat before closing the door before he could fall out. I turned to Theo just as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Make sure he doesn't do any stupid shit," Theo told me with a small smile. "I know how he can get."

"A pain in the ass?" I guessed with a grin, listening to his laugh.

"Exactly." He ran a hand through his hair, sighing tiredly. "Thank you again for coming down here, Amelia."

I nodded. "Of course, it's not a problem. It was nice meeting you, Theo."

"You too." He waved and turned around, heading to his car. I walked around and went back to the car, starting it up once I was buckled in.

"I'm so glad you came tonight," he slurred, resting his head on my shoulder right when I drove off. "I missed you."

I sighed, not answering him as I drove off. It's like taking care of a giant toddler.

"Can you stay the night with me?" He asked, rolling his head off of my shoulder and hitting the backseat.

"Lucian, I don't think that's a—"

"Please?" I glanced at him to find him staring at me with wide expectant eyes, his bottom lip slipped between his teeth.

I sighed, looking back at the road. I'm really going to regret this...

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now