The Prophecy

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Amelia walked through the halls eyeing each side of her making sure that no one was around when she walked into the room of requirement

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Amelia walked through the halls eyeing each side of her making sure that no one was around when she walked into the room of requirement. She couldn't help but see Filch standing and watching her. He slowly followed her around. She made sure to go in two circles before the man gave up and angrily walked away and out of sight. Amelia then made one last circle to make sure Filch wasn't still lurking around her. She decided it was okay to go in and then opened the door and quietly shut it. She looked around the room and saw that about half of the group was there and they were all talking to one another.

Amelia walked over towards Hermione who was speaking to Luna and Ginny. "Hello" Amelia said and the three girls gave her a smile. "What are you guys talking about?" Amelia asked and the girls giggled. "Maxine and Kendra have not stopped snogging Patrick and Paul for the last ten minutes" Ginny said and Amelia turned her head and looked at the girls. "Don't they need to come up for air?" Hermione asked and everyone in the group laughed. "Watch this" Ginny said and took her wand out. "Agumenti" she said and a tiny bit of water came out of her wand and landed near the two couples. A couple seconds later they all four slipped and fell onto the floor. The four girls all laughed together.

"Attention!" Harry yelled over all of the laughter. The whole group snapped their head in his direction. "Today we will be learning about a patronus" Harry said and the group all spread out throughout the room. Amelia picked a spot somewhat close to Cedric who gave her a quick kiss and hug. They both cherished the time in the room of requirement because they haven't been able to touch one another at all with Umbridge patrolling the corridors.

"You need to think of a memory a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember and allow it to fill you up, keep trying Seamus!" Harry said walking around the room. The whole group hadn't been able to produce a patronus yet. Amelia pointed her wand and thought of drinking hot chocolate with her mother. The wand spit out a sorta blue light. Amelia looked over and saw Cedric's wand doing the same. "What are you thinking of?" Amelia asked him. "Playing quidditch" Cedric said and Amelia nodded her head.

"A full body patronus is the most difficult to produce, these can be used for shields and a variety of other things" Harry repeated and then the heads in the room turned and saw Ginny had been able to create a horse and it started to run around the room. "Fantastic Ginny!" Harry yelled proud that his words were having a effect on his students.

"Remember your patronus can only protect for as long as you can stay focus, Luna focus!" Harry said and Luna whispered "expecto patronum" and a small bunny whipped out of her wand and ran all around the room.

Amelia then changed her thought. She thought of the first time she had met Cedric and she had given him a carrot that she was using to feed her Puff. "Expecto Patronum" she yelled and a ton of blue light came out and a ladybug came out of her wand and started to fly around the room. "Amazing Amelia!" Harry yelled. She looked over at Cedric and he said "expecto patronum" a bright blue light came out and a badger came out of his wand and ran around the room chasing the ladybug. The two laughed as it happened.

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