The Great Escape

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Amy finished her ice cream and walked over to the couch. She laid flat on the couch and napped while her dessert digested in her gut. In all of this, Amy was completely unaware that she had swallowed Cream and Cheese. Amy rubbed her noisy stomach and let out a very satisfied sigh. "I sure do love ice cream" said Amy, still swallowing the taste left in her mouth.

Deep inside Amy's stomach, Cream and Cheese sat in despair. It looked like this would be the end, but Cream wasn't about to lose hope. "Come on, Cheese" she said with determination "Let's fly out of here and get Ms. Amy's attention". The saliva from Amy's mouth began to enter the stomach, dangling from the opening before plopping down. Cream and Cheese flew out of the way and up to the opening. Both of them managed to make it through the stomach opening before it could close. Cream then flew up Amy's esophagus, pushing past the tight muscle walls of the tube.

After a hard trip back up Amy's throat, Cream and Cheese were back in Amy's mouth. Amy had fallen asleep and had left her mouth agape, meaning there was a chance of escape for Cream and Cheese. As Cream flew towards the exit, Cheese looked back at Amy's throat and was fascinated with the dangling uvula. Cheese flew towards the swinging object and began to touch it. "Cheese, stop. Don't do that" yelled Cream, but it was too late.

Cheese's tickling of the giantess uvula had awoken Amy from her slumber and she sensed something in her mouth. Assuming it was leftover pieces of her previous meals, she tried to maneuver Cream and Cheese towards her throat, ready to swallow them, again. Cream and Cheese fought back this time, not wanting to go back down. Amy was taken aback by the unexpected resistance from her food. "Why can't I eat some tiny bits left in my teeth" said Amy, utterly confused. Cream and Cheese were on the edge of being swallowed again, so with all the air left in her, Cream screamed "AAAMMMYYY!!!"

Amy was stopped in her tracks by the sudden call for help. "What the..." Amy began to ask. She stuck her tongue out as much as she could, to which she was given the shock of her life. Laying on her plush tongue was a tiny Cream and Cheese. Amy dumped them onto her open palmed and tried to ask all the questions she could in her confused state. "CREAM" Amy asked in complete confusion "How are you so small, and what were you doing in my mouth?" "Well Ms. Amy" Cream began "We found this canister that caused us to shrink, and we needed help. We followed you so we could get you to help us out, but things didn't work out and you accidentally ate us". The last part almost broke Amy. "I ate you" she asked with heavy guilt "Oh my God, I'm so sorry for putting you through that. You must have been so scared". Amy put Cream and Cheese up to her cheeks and snuggled them with love and warmth. "Well, we're safe now, so it's okay" said Cream. "I guess so" Amy replied "but I still feel guilty for accidentally eating you. I promise that I'll help you get back to normal size and to protect you with all of my heart".

Both girls made girlish giggles and then went about finding ways to fix things. Eventually, Cream and Cheese were brought back to their normal height, and they celebrated with Amy with ice cream that they did not fall into. Soon, the whole incident was nothing more than a distant memory, just something for them to jokingly reminisce about.


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