Trying New Methods

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Cream continued to call out to Amy, but Amy never noticed her. Seeing that calling to her was a fruitless effort, Cream started to think of a different tactic. "Ms. Amy can't seem to hear us, Cheese" said Cream "We're going to have to use a more direct approach".

Amy was sitting on her couch, eating the dinner she had cooked. "I'm glad that phone call from Tails didn't cost me my dinner" said Amy, her mouth full of vegetable bits. She swallowed her meal portions with a wet gulp, everytime. Meanwhile, Cream and Cheese tried to push one of the empty pots off the counter, in an attempt to get Amy's attention. With all the effort they could muster, they managed to push the pot over the counter.

Amy was startled by a loud crash in the kitchen. "What was that!" she cried out. Amy ran into the kitchen to see the pot on the ground. "How did this fall" Amy asked herself, completely mystified. Cream and Cheese yelled out to her, but Amy still couldn't hear them. Amy put the pot back and returned to her dinner, without ever paying Cream and Cheese any mind. "Well that didn't work" said Cream. The little rabbit wasted no time in coming up with a new plan.

Cream thought that banging on the pots would be a better plan. She got a wooden spoon she found nearby and started banging the pot with it, or at least she tried. The little rabbit found that holding the spoon at this size was incredibly difficult and trying to swing it threw her way off balance. Cream fell over and dropped the wooden spoon, which fell off the counter and onto the floor. Amy's meal was, again, disturbed by the sound of an object falling to the ground in the kitchen. She went over to put it back, clueless as to how it had fallen, and never noticed Cream and Cheese on the counter.

"We'll never get Ms. Amy's attention like this" said Cream, who was beginning to lose hope. Cheese gave Cream a big hug to cheer her up. "We've got to get Ms. Amy's attention directly" said Cream, before flying off with Cheese to contact Amy. As they were doing this, Amy had come back into the kitchen to get herself some soft served ice cream she had stored in the freezer from an earlier date. It was a large amount in an equally large bowl, certainly a bit much for anyone to take in one sitting. Amy was feeling generous tonight, however, and planned to eat the whole thing. She sat down at a nearby table and began to eat the ice cream. Cream and Cheese flew over to where Amy was eating her frozen treat. Cream and Cheese got as close to Amy's face as they could and called out to her, but the pink hedgehog was far too busy devouring the ice cream like a vulture to hear them. In her frenzied eating, Amy accidentally knocked Cream and Cheese out of the air and straight into her ice cream.

When Cream and Cheese came out of their daze, they found that they were stuck in the ice cream, acting almost like tar. "Oh no, we're stuck Cheese" said a panicking Cream "She may accidentally eat us with the ice cream". Cream's fears were proven right as Amy's spoon came down to take another piece of ice cream from the bowl, taking Cream and Cheese with it up to her mouth.

Amy Rose Vore: Accidental PreyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat