Chapter 11

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1135 words.

This was such a beautiful sight to see.

The sun was going down and the sky was being filled with such lovely colours. The slight breeze almost made it perfect as it stroked my face warmly.

The only problem is...

I had two men standing opposite me waiting to fight.

My blood was so pumped up just to be a part of a small fight, I had to release my anger one way or another.

I just hope both these boys can handle my techniques.

Yuki was undefeated in a fight and Kyo has been fighting since he was little.

I was probably about to get my arsed kicked.

Without giving me much time to think I saw both boys run towards me together at full speed making my instant reactions kick in where I forced my body out of the way.

I now faced them both as they stood in front of me.

Yuki threw a kick which I managed to grab his leg watching him squirm about.

That was until I saw Kyo throw a punch towards my face, I just managed to duck over it and lead Yuki into Kyo making them smash on top of each other.

"Clever, but now I won't go easy" Yuki hissed climbing off of Kyo.

Yuki threw a punch which I blocked with my arm.

That was probably going to leave a mark.

I grabbed his wrist tightly flinging his arm up behind him stopping him from moving it, I could break it but I'm not cruel.

In the corner of my eye I could see Kyo running towards me where I quickly extended my leg flying right into his stomach making him double over.

I pushed Yuki to the floor before Kyo tackled me to the ground.

Kyo sat on top of me straddling me and I couldn't help but blush uncontrollably as I stared at him.

He grabbed my wrists pinning them above my head before he made a spare hand turning it into a fist.

I needed to move.

I squirmed as much as I could under his grip but could not get out.

Maybe I could distract him.

"Kyo... you could of told me this was your kink" I muttered instantly seeing his face blush a bright red and his grip loosen.

Shigure slapped his legs in uncontrollable laughter.

I managed to flip up over so I sat straddling him.

"Do you like this position kitty" I muttered as I watched him crumble underneath me by my words.

Who knew he was so sensitive.

Before I could say anything I got ripped off Kyo when Yuki practically dragged my body on the ground before he pushed a hand on my chest taking a fistful of my shirt into his hands

I wrapped my hands round Yuki's which had a deadly hold onto my shirt in attempt to get him off me.

I needed to think fast.

I took my leg placed it on his lower stomach and managed to push him away from me.

I pulled apart slowly as both the boys now charged at me again.

I jumped quickly spinning around attacking both of them with a kick to the stomach making them both double over.

"Ok I'm done now" I huffed feeling the anger I had now being released from a good kick.

"Well I'm not" Kyo growled standing up.

"Well I am" I huffed back.

As I started walking back I got tackled to the floor again by Kyo, landing on my belly.

He flipped me round pinning me completely down this time.

"You won't get away this time" he smiled down at me as I couldn't help but gaze into his eyes.

It wasn't until I looked down to see that my top had pretty much risen up just under my boobs exposing my stomach.

It felt like time had stopped again as I felt his eyes lock into mine dragging me into a pool of just hallucination.

While we exchanged gazes I managed to sneak my hand under his leg that was by my side and flipped him off me.

We both stood up looking at each other with almost a killing look before Shigure stopped us.

"It's late, you guys can finish off the fight another time" Shigure sighed watching as the stars began to come out one by one.

Eventually Kyo sighed and nodded holding out his hand which I gladly shook.

Yuki then also held out his hand which I gladly shook.

"Nice fighting" he smiled as I nodded.

"You to" I smiled.

"Now Y/N would you like a shower tonight?" Tohru asked as I smiled.

"I'd love one please" I smiled.

"Great! You can borrow some of my pyjamas for tonight! Are you doing the play tomorrow with us?" She asked as I nodded.

"I have an idea" Shigure spoke as we all turned to him.

"You don't have many clothes here Y/N, why don't you and Tohru go shopping this weekend I'll lend you some money to get some stuff for your room" Shigure smiled.

"I couldn't ask for that Shigure!" I said as I turned to Tohru.

"Come on lets go! It will be fun! Yuki, Kyo why don't you join us!" Tohru yelled as I turned to look at them both.

"I'm not shopping for girls clothes" Kyo spat folding his arms.

"I'll go with you" Yuki smiled.

"Thank you yuki!" I smiled.

"Ugh fine! But don't drag me about" Kyo whined.

"Come on Y/N I'll show you how the shower works, I'll also explain the stuff for the play tomorrow when you get out" Tohru smiled leading me in the house.

I followed her upstairs into her room when I couldn't help but get curious.

"How did you end up living here Tohru?" I asked as she rummaged around in some drawers.

"Weird story actually, my dad died when I was little and when my mam died in a car accident two years ago I didn't want to burden my grandad, so I moved into a tent just outside of here. That's when Shigure and Yuki found me in the woods. I could of been seriously injured if I didn't move when I did" she smiled just thinking of the memory of her being rescued.

"I'm sorry about your parents" I muttered as she turned to me with some clothes.

"I know they are watching over me, I'm happy Shigure and Yuki found me when they did" Tohru smiled leading me to the shower.

She was happy all the time and always doing stuff for other people.

I couldn't even guess she had been through that.

But if she can get through something like that, I can get through a small situation like mine.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz