Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes slowly as I felt even more exhausted then usual.

"Ah your awake!" Tohru's voice rang through my head as I looked to the side seeing Tohru sitting next to me.

"Where am I, what happened!" I yelled sitting up gazing around the room.

"Calm down, your at Shigure's house, you fell asleep on Kyo's back. You've been out for two days" she spoke.

Did she just say... two. Days.

"Two days!" I yelled as she calmed me down again.

"Don't worry everything is done for the play! And we told the teacher you were ill" she spoke as I glanced round the room.

I was in a small room with a pink bed in the corner as I was in a futon on the floor.

"This is my room, we thought a futon might be ok for you" she smiled as I nodded.

I went to move but looked down to notice I was in tracksuit bottoms and a top.

"I changed you so you weren't in your uniform so I could wash it, I hope these clothes are ok. They fit perfectly on you!" She smiled.

"Thank you Tohru" I smiled as she nodded and smiled.

"I just made some dinner! Come eat with us" she smiled helping me stand up.

I made my way downstairs hearing the usual arguing from Yuki and Kyo however when I stepped in the room they all seemed to go quiet and stare at me.

I took a seat next to Yuki as he stared me down.

"You feeling better?" He smiled as I nodded.

"Thanks Yuki" I smiled as he nodded in response back.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you Kyo" I smiled as I noticed a small blush creep to his cheeks.

"It was nothing..." he mumbled.

"It was quite a sight to see" Shigure laughed holding up his newspaper.

I could help but blush at his words, I remember just being so warm and comforted by his scent and body.

Tohru eventually came in with some noodles placing a bowl of them in front of everyone before sitting down herself.

We all ate pretty quietly until I put my chopsticks in my empty bowl and spoke.

"That was the most delicious meal I've had in ages" I smiled at Tohru who blushed madly.

"Oh don't be silly! It's just something I quickly whipped up!" She smiled.

Everyone eventually finished their meals as I couldn't help but notice the sun going down.

"Anyways I best get my stuff ready" I smiled standing up.

"What do you mean?" Yuki cut me off as I looked down at him.

"I need to get my stuff ready so I can go back home it's getting late and I've intruded you all a lot" I smiled beginning to walk off.

That was until I felt a firm hand on my ankle tipping me over on the floor.

Landing face first...

"Ow! What the heck!" I shouted gazing at Yuki who had held down my ankle.

"Don't think for a second your going back there!" He yelled sternly almost shocking me.

"I need to! I can't stay here" I sighed as he practically dragged my body next to him.

"Now. Sit." He demanded.

For some reason I couldn't even disobey him as I moved to sit next to him again.

Dominant much...

"Yes yes, the boys told me what happened. It's obvious you can't go back to that state so I decided to make the spare room yours! Welcome home" Shigure smiled.

"What..." I paused.

"We are redoing the spare bedroom for you to stay in, that's why you were in Tohru's room while we made it more cozy for you. But we would like it if you stayed here we don't want you going back to that awful place" Yuki explained.

"I can't stay here!" I yelled.

"And why's that?" Kyo spat flinging his fist on the table startling everyone.

"B..because I've already over-welcomed my stay" I said as he stared coldly into my eyes.

"Just shut up, you aren't going back!" He muttered.

"I can't put that burden on you guys for caring for me" I said as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Please" Tohru begged placing her hands on the table.

She almost gave me puppy dog eyes.

I sighed drastically.

"Fine, only until I find a place myself" I sighed as they all seemed to relax a bit more.

We all sat in silence for a while which only made me think of the horrible things my father tried to do, the alcohol the addictions and the multiple eviction notices.

I was some what relieved to be out of there but also angry at myself that I could never bring myself to hit him.

I felt my anger get worse and worse by the minute until my blood was almost at boiling point.

"Shigure?" I called as he popped his head out from his newspaper smiling at me.

"Do you have anything I can hit?" I asked calming.

Everyone seemed a bit shocked by my words but right now I couldn't hold back the anger and hatred I was feeling for him.

"I don't I'm sorry..." he spoke probably noticing the anger on my face.

"Hit me..." a voice called as I turned to Yuki who was smiling.

"No" I spoke not wanting to injure Yuki just because I was angry.

Then again... Kyo mentioned Yuki was undefeated in a fight.

"Please, I can tell your angry lets have a little fight, I promise we won't hurt each other" Yuki smiled as I nodded.

I wasn't really a fighting person but I was so filled with rage I couldn't help it.

"Can I fight to?" Kyo added as I nodded.

"Outside" I mumbled as us three went outside as Shigure and Tohru stood at the doorway.

"This is going to be fun" Kyo gritted through his teeth standing on one side.

"Go easy on her cat" Yuki muttered making Kyo extra mad who was on the other side of me.

"Bring it on" I smiled just waiting to get a good punch or kick out of me.

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