Chapter 2

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As school finished I waited at the gates immediately meeting Tohru and Yuki standing chatting.

"You ready to go soon?" She smiled at me as I nodded.

It's been ages since I've been invited over to someone's place.

It's nice to get away from my home for a bit. Living by myself can be pretty lonesome at times.

My mother passed when I was little so my dad took on the role of caring for me. Sadly his debt ate him up to the point he became an alcoholic. He occasionally comes home but when he does it never ends well between me and him.

I say I live by myself simply to avoid the conversation of even having a father like that. It's disgraceful and almost heartbreaking.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"are you ok? I've been talking to you for the past few minutes" Tohru said gazing into my eyes.

"I'm fine! Sorry got lost in my own world again" I chuckled scratching the back of my neck.

"Well are you ready to go?" She smiled as I looked around to see Uotani and Hanajima standing looking at me with a concerned look.

"Yes sorry!" I smiled following them towards the central road.

"Your a pretty weird kid I like it" Hanajima smiled at me as I smiled back.

We followed Yuki and Tohru for a little before we reached a small shrine which a guy almost in his twenties appeared at the door.

Mind he was handsome!

"Welcome home Tohru! And you brought friends how wonderful" he smiled.

"Now I know you and you" he pointed to Hanajima and Uotani.

"But you... I don't know" he said landing his finger right in front of my face.

"I'm F/N L/N nice to meet you sir!" I said introducing myself to this man almost getting captivated by his eyes.

It was almost as if I was being drawn in by him.

We glared at each for a moment before he let out a low chuckle.

"I'm the owner of the house Shigure Sohma, also Yuki's cousin it's a pleasure" he bowed at me.

For some reason I couldn't even take my eyes off him as he invited us inside.

"I'll make some tea!" Shigure said as Tohru instantly stopped him.

"Please don't Shigure! You'd end up burning the place down if you tried!" Tohru yelled as he giggled at her response.

We all chuckled as we took a seat around the table in the middle of the room all pulling out our texts books.

"Yuki do you want to fetch Kyo?" Tohru smiled at him as he nodded.

Oh that's right I haven't met Kyo yet!

I sat down talking with Uotani and Hanajima as we began discussing things for the play.

I was happy to just be somewhat involved in something right now.

"Who wants tea?" Tohru chirped holding a cup up.

She placed a mug in front of everyone as she began filling it up.

"Thank y-" before I could finished I heard a massive crash come from upstairs.

"Why can't those two talk without having to fight?" Shigure sighed leaning against the doorway.

"Don't worry Y/N! Yuki and Kyo always fight" Tohru smiled almost of this was a normal occurrence.

We heard footsteps almost break their way downstairs.

"Get outside now you stupid rat!" A voice shouted.

"You know you will never beat me!" Yuki yelled as we watched two boys run into the room bursting their way through the door nearly tipping over everyone's drinks.

They tackled each other to the floor throwing punches at each other which missed every time.

"No fighting in the house with guests over!" Shigure yelled.

The boys still continued fighting.

As they threw more punches I couldn't help but look at who Yuki was fighting. This must be Kyo.

His hair was a bright ginger and his eyes was almost like a bowl of honey.

I tried pulling myself away from looking at him, but it was like time had stopped for a brief moment as his eyes made contact with mine.

We gazed into each other eyes for a second which felt almost like forever.

It wasn't long before Yuki striked a punch right into his stomach making Kyo double over.

"Kyo!" Tohru shouted obviously concerned for the boys.

Kyo instantly rolled on top of Yuki diving them both straight towards me. I held my hand my hands up in praying I wouldn't get caught in the cross fire.

"That's enough" Shigure said pouring a cup of water over the top of them instantly making them stop and almost cry.

Did they both hate water that much?

"No fighting in the house! Now apologise you nearly hit our new guest!" Shigure yelled as Yuki looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said his hair flopping onto his face as the water dripped down his nose.

"Whatever" Kyo said standing up and storming out.

"Kyo! We have a project to do come back!" Tohru yelled running after him.

"It's never a dull moment in this household" Uotani laughed as Yuki grabbed a towel from Shigure.

"It's the stupid cats fault!" Yuki said walking away.

Cat and the rat? Do they give themselves nicknames because they never get along with each other?

"Anyways Y/N? Are you hurt?" Shigure smiled at me as I shook my head.

"I'm fine thank you" I said taking a sip of my tea.

What in the hell did I just witness.

If Tohru has to put up with that almost everyday I think I'd probably cry!

But then again...

She lives with three incredibly attractive guys which is almost impossible to say no to.

What is with them constantly staring at me though it's almost uncomfortable.

But it's almost like a drug when I stare at them like I can't take my eyes of them, like I was experiencing some sort of déjà vu.

I feel like I've seen them somewhere before but I can't even picture where.

We are in the same class yet I've never seen them around mainly because my head is always down and I don't like to get to know new people.

What a disaster this was turning out to be.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя