Pleasure and Pain.

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*AN - Professor dick head strikes again...please comment, vote and most of all enjoy!!!*

You managed to sleep through the night, waking up just before your alarm went off. The sunlight peaked through your drapes and warmed your skin thoroughly. You sat up slowly and dragged yourself to the bathroom, before showering, and lathering yourself in a sweet scented lotion.

You decided to wear a short denim skirt, a white crop top covered in daisies, knee high socks and your new converse. You sighed as you looked at them, thinking back to how Professor Ren had slammed the door in your face. You felt a quiet rage bubbling inside of you. He claimed to want to be your friend, to want to look after you, to protect you. But he had treated you like dirt the previous evening. You were beginning to think that he was just using you for his own personal gain, that he didn't really care about your wellbeing at all.

But you had been snooping around, you knew you shouldn't have, but you didn't mean to make him angry. You felt your emotions conflicting as you checked the time and made your way to the library. Maybe seeing Poe's friendly face would take your mind off of everything for a while.

You threw your bag over your shoulder and made your way across the campus to the library. As you entered it was empty, no one was around. You checked your phone, the message you sent to Poe had sent but you didn't get a response. You walked to the back of the library and looked down the rows for him, but it was empty and silent. You decided to scan through the psychology section, and look for something to read whilst you waited for him, but when you got to your desired row of books you froze on the spot.

"Professor?" You squeaked. Kylo was leant back on the books, one leg crossed and both arms folded. He looked down at you and gave you a smirk, butterflies emerged in your stomach.

"Well, if it isn't my star. You're here early." He jested.

"Oh, yeah...I was just collecting some books to revise from." You stammered.

"Come here." He said, gesturing two long fingers towards him.

You walked over to him slowly, his eyes were narrowed, glaring at you.

"I'm sorry about-" 

"Sh." He hissed, silencing you mid apology. "Don't talk."

He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you close, your chest was pressed against his stomach, breathing rapidly as his grip began to hurt you. You looked up into his dark eyes in a fluster, confused as to why he was here, and hoping Poe would turn up soon.

"I forgive you for going through my things, but you need to learn your lesson." He sighed, grazing your cheek with his thumb. 

He span you around on your heels and pushed your face into the rows of books in front of you, his hands frantically pulling up your skirt and ripping down your panties. 

"Kylo...Please." You whimpered, suddenly afraid of what he was capable of, of how strong he was.

A hard smack planted itself on your ass cheek, making you jolt forward. But it wasn't from his hand.

"What did you call me?" He spat, lips hovering over your ear. "You know what to call me when we are at school, mouse."

"S-sir." You said, voice wavering as he smacked your ass again and again, leaving it stinging. Your eyes looked down and you saw the large wooden ruler in his grasp.

"Count for me." He groaned, palming the sore area, watching it change colour. 

More smacks followed, making tears form in your eyes. 

"Seven..." A pause. 

"Ten." You whined. Both ass cheeks now buzzing from the harsh impact. 

He planted a small kiss on the back of your head and turned you around to face him. Before you could speak his fingers trailed over your core, lingering on your clit as he inhaled sharply.

"You're soaked, little one." He said through his clenched jaw. You hung your head, feeling shameful and afraid at the same time. "I don't think that taught you anything. I'm keeping you after class tonight."

"Yes Sir." You said, keeping your eyes on the ground. He pulled your head up to face him with two fingers, tapping the ruler against your cheek gently, you flinched.

"If you behaved, I wouldn't have to hurt you..." He said, his voice sickly sweet. "If you didn't dress like such a slut, I wouldn't have to treat you like one." You looked up into his hazel globes with red, watery eyes and he smiled, kissing you softly on your pouted lips. "Now run along."

You left the library without another word, mind reeling about what had just happened. Something wasn't sitting right with you, it was like he had planned to find you there. Your hung head low as you made your way into the cafeteria, adjusting your skirt. You looked around through the sea of heads and spotted Poe sat down with a small group of people of other students. 

You stormed towards him, clutching the straps of your bag. He looked up at your heated expression bewildered.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi Poe. Can I, um, talk to you in private?" You asked, tapping your foot nervously. The other students at the table looked up at you just as confused as Poe.

"Oh, yeah...sure." Poe got up from his seat, grabbing his coffee and you both made your way outside to the bench where you had first met.

"What's the matter?" Poe asked. "You look like you've been crying or something."

"Where were you?" You snapped. He looked at you blankly.

"What?" He asked.

"You asked me to meet you at the library this morning? I went there and...well, you weren't there." You said, almost out of breath.

"Hey, hey. I really don't know what you're talking about." You looked up at his face, the honesty apparent in his eyes. "I don't even have your number." He said, taking his phone out and showing you his contacts. "See?"

"Then...who." You muttered under your breath.

"Maybe it was a stupid prank?" He said, rubbing your shoulder, you flinched at his touch, still trying to understand what the hell was going on. "Come sit with us, have a coffee."

You nodded softly, feeling yourself go numb with shock and embarrassment. Someone was messing with you, and you felt sick to the core as you sat down at the table with Poe and his new friends.

"This is Finn and Rey." He said, gesturing back and forth between you, introducing you all.

"Hello." You said softly, giving them both a soft smile. It suddenly dawned on you that you had never sat at a table in the cafeteria with a group of people before, the anger and sadness you felt from being tricked was slowly washing away. "It's nice to meet you both." You said.

"You too! I've seen you around a lot, I love your style, that top is so cute." The girl, Rey said, with a genuine smile. 

"Very cute." Poe said, his cheeks growing rosy. He handed you a piece of paper, a number scribbled on it. You smiled at him, knowing that was his real number, and he gave you a sly wink.

"Thank you." You said to Rey. "I love your hair." Rey grinned at you, showing off her three neat buns from all angles. 

"You're studying Psychology with Poe right?" Finn asked, his beautiful dark skin glowing in the morning sunlight. 

"I am, yes." You said softly. 

"And we would have been sitting together too, if it wasn't for that asshole Ren." Poe snapped.

"Yeah, he's pretty brooding. I don't think I've ever seen him smile." Rey said, furrowing her brow. You nodded and laughed along, the anxiety in your stomach creeping back as they mentioned his name.

"Are you busy tonight? There's a party happening at Khyber's, it's like a cool little club for students." Finn said directly to you, you were thankful he changed the subject.

"Yeah, the party! Oh you have to come, I need another girl in this lame gang." Rey joked, winking at you. "I could do your hair."

The words of your Professor rang in your ears, I'm keeping you after class tonight. You shook away the anxious feeling and smiled up at Rey. "Sure, why not." You said.

"Great." Finn said, flashing you his perfect teeth as he smiled.

The bell rang loudly through the canteen and you all got on your feet, you said good bye to your new friends and made your way to class with Poe alongside you. The sickening feeling returning as you walked slowly, the pain in your ass cheeks seemed to throb as you got closer to the classroom.

"Hey, don't worry about who ever prank text you, I'm sure it was just some loser with nothing better to do. Besides, we will have more fun at the party than we would at a library." Poe said sweetly. 

"You're right." You said, trying to stay calm as you walked inside Mr. Ren's room. You didn't look up at him as you entered, but you were sure you could feel his eyes burning into you as Poe rubbed your back lightly.

You went to your usual seat at the back of the class, gritting your teeth as you sat down uncomfortably on your chair. When the class settled Mr. Ren handed out your text books and started the lesson. You looked up at the title that was projected on the screen.

Pleasure and Pain.

You cringed internally as you looked up at your Professor who was clearing his throat to speak.

"The relationship between pain and pleasure in human sexuality is as profound as it is complex. It is a polarity that lives in each of us. Love, sex, pain and violence all stimulate the release of similar chemicals and hormones in the human body. Endorphins that are released in painful experiences are often perceived as pleasurable. Pain can also stimulate the serotonin and melatonin production in the brain, which transforms painful experiences into pleasure." He began, eyes hovering over to you with each syllable. You felt yourself sinking into your seat, trying to make yourself smaller. 

"Can anyone tell me the difference between masochism and sadism?" He asked the group, your buried your head in your chest, hoping to avoid his questions.

"Sir!" A blonde haired girl asked, the same one who had picked on you a few days back. 

"Yes, Amanda." He said.

"Masochists like being hurt and sadists like to hurt."

"Good. So, when you see the word masochism, think pleasure from pain. Masochism is the opposite of sadism, which involves getting turned on by hurting people." He said, you could feel his words flowing through you.

You knew then that it turned him on to hurt you, he wasn't doing it to teach you anything, he was doing it for himself. But did you enjoy being hurt, was it pleasurable to you? You weren't sure, but your body told you otherwise.

"I think sadists are psychotic." Amanda chimed in.

"Hm. And why is that Amanda?" Mr. Ren asked curiously, sitting back in his armchair with his fingers interlocked.

"Because they inflict pain, on people they're supposed to care for, and feel no guilt or remorse. I don't think that's right." She answered, in that moment you felt yourself agreeing with her.

"Well, if the partner enjoys it, or is stimulated by it, why would the sadist feel guilt?" He answered, flicking his eyes over to you once more.

Amanda nodded and didn't answer back, leaving you wondering again. 

"I want you all to open your laptops and take the quiz I have emailed you, and write a brief synopsis on your results." He said, going back to the papers on his desk.

You pulled out your laptop and turned it on, going to your recent inbox and opening the link from the man sat at the front of the class, you looked over him and watched his eyes glance along the papers, biting his bottom lip lightly. You had to shake his attractiveness from your mind and remember that he had posed as a student and tricked you into meeting him, just to hurt you. But the devil on your shoulder rejoiced, the fact that you had the power to make him jealous, that he wanted you to himself. It was all to conflicting.

You watched the laptop load slowly, the quiz appearing on the screen:

What's your kink?

You sat there in shock, looking at the words on the screen. You heard giggles and chatting coming from all around you, as people began filling out the quiz. You were curious to see what your out come would be, but based on your only sexual encounters, you felt like you already knew.

You clicked through the answers fairly quickly, trying not to look up at Kylo at all, and before long you finished. You looked at your results on the screen and felt yourself blush.

'Well,'re a submissive, with masochistic tendencies, eager to try new things.'

You made a mental note of your result and exited out of the quiz. But another email caught your attention, it was from Kylo.

'I thought I told you to stay away from Poe, little mouse.'
It read, making your eyes shoot up to look at him.

Your blood went cold and you avoided his gaze, which you could feel burning into you as you read the email. You scribbled down a quick summary of your quiz results and raised your hand in the air.

"Yes." Kylo said, coldly.

"I need to use the bathroom." You said.

Professor Ren nodded reluctantly and you grabbed your things, making a break for the restroom. On your journey you took your phone out and text Poe, on his actual number.

'I'm not coming back to class, tell Mr Ren I've been sick. I'll meet you at the party later.'

He sent back a small thumbs up emoji soon after, your chest heaving from the anxiety. This wasn't like you at all, but you couldn't take the tension in the class room anymore. You headed to the doctors office and got a temporary sick note, before making your way back to your dorm. 

You laid back on your bed, mind spinning, wondering how your Professor would react to you skipping class, how he would react to not having you there with him when everyone else had gone. But you didn't care. You set an alarm on your phone for the evening and closed your eyes, shutting off your thoughts for a few hours before the party.

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