"I hope so, sometimes you just know they are the one," Ochako smiled as she sighed dreamily. "Then you can't imagine anything else other than being with them."

(Y/n) glanced at Shinso knowing fully well that was the feeling she felt with him. It was the exact same feeling actually.

"I know how that feels..." she muttered as she smiled.

The two looked up when they could hear Katsuki's growls and whines as Mitsuki started to beat up on him again.

"You inconsiderate child! Why can't you be good like your sister and brother!" She hollard. As she slammed his face into the door.

Kirishima came running up to (y/n) getting ready to bet some money.

"Mitsuki is going to win!" He said as he waved one thousand dollars this time thinking he won this one.

"Oh no, it's Katsuki!" (Y/n) snickered as he watched him over power his mother and start to body slam her. "I don't condone it, but he's winning this time!"

"Win us some money, kitten!" Shinso shouted.

"You betcha baby!"

"I'll beat you hag!"

"I lost again!"


"What is that smell!" The kids sitting on the couch jumped at the sound of the gravelly Voice. (Y/n) on the other hand jumped up and smiled while she crawled over the top of Shinso as he held onto her so she wouldn't fall.

"Grandpa!" She smiled and looked at the usually grumpy man.

"My little troublemaker!" He exclaimed. "Where's the other shits and that husband of yours?"

"Well grandpa, Katsuki is cooking and Izuku and Ochako are right here, and Shinso is underneath me."

"What do you mean underneath you?" The man asked as he walked past the couch.

"I'm suffocating him, grandpa."

"Dad, leave the kids alone," her father came to the living room and tried to usher the man away only to fail.

"Which one is getting married?" He asked, making Izuku bolt up and nervously laugh.

"Me, grandpa." Izuku said as he raised his body from the couch with ochako. "You've already met Ochako."

"Yes she is a lovely girl, I feel bad for her." Her grandpa smirked as he got ready to use his usual sassy remarks. "She has to marry an idiot boy like you."

"Grandpa," Mina laughed, as she slapped Kirishima's arm. "I like him, he's sassy!"

"Did we adopt another one?" He asked as he looked at the woman confused as to who she was.

"She's Katsuki's and I's roommate, since Izuku and Ochako moved out." (Y/n) giggled as the old man instantly assumed they had adopted another one.

"I see, she is a good fit, so is Hitoshi." Grandpa said as he walked to the kitchen to bother Katsuki. "There he is, the terrible chef."

"You moron that's my cooking you're talking about!" (Y/n) giggled as Katsuki blew up on the old man.

"Grandpa likes you!" (Y/n) looked at Shinso as he smiled. "That's a good thing!"

"I'm glad, he scares me a lot!" Shinso sighed as he stood up and guided (y/n) to the balcony. "Wanna go on the balcony?"

"Sure," she giggled following him and leaning on the railing. "Everything is changing but all at the same time of feeling right." She closed her eyes as the wind blew across her face. She was at ease. "I thought I would be nervous for Izuku moving out, so did Katsuki. But now that it's done, it feels natural."

"That's because we're on the right path." Shinso said as he leaned his back on the wall looking at her with a smile on his face. He was ready for the next moments in their life together. "It feels like we have come a long way."

"We have, I've learned a lot over the last couple of months!" She smiled as she looked at his indigo eyes smiling as they seemed to sparkle in the night sky. "I never thought I would have been brave enough to run my own cafe, but you and kayama taught me differently. I never thought I would ever have a boyfriend, but that is different since Katsuki wasn't as protective. Their is so much I never knew I would ever have, but here I am."

"We got through a lot together." Shinso added as he smiled. "I couldn't imagine going through it without you."

"Nor could I without you." (Y/n) giggled as she pranced over to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him, while he did the same nuzzling his nose into her hair. He sighed and relaxed as he felt happiness with her.

"I think these next few months are going to be the best moments of our lives." He whispered as he cupped her cheek pulling it up closer to his own face and quickly swooping in for a kiss.

"With you, I know it will be great." She smiled as she pressed her cheek to his own and looked at the city as it continued to rumble on never sleeping. "And with our families spending these moments with us, it will be great."

"What do you want to do next?" He asked as he too watched the city never sleep.

"I thought about," she hummed as she nodded her head going back and forth on the next project. "A bakery, Katsuki already agreed to being the head baker of the cafe."

"Well it seems like a good place to start." He smiled as he leaned in again and kissed her feeling great pride swell up in his chest at her accomplishments. "You're doing great things."

"That's second to what I try to achieve," she smiled as she pressed her forehead to his. "The first thing I achieve is your love."

"Well you already got that," he smiled at her as she reached forward and kissed him on the lips surprising him. "You're braver than I remember."

"Always." She giggled and closed her eyes enjoying the moment of peace they had.

"Hitoshi stop kissing my sister, and get in here and eat!" Katsuki yelled startling the two into a laughing fit.

"We were caught," he winked at her and slid the door open.

"Katsuki, I'll kick your ass!" (Y/n) smiled as she smacked her fists into her hand.

"I'm so glad things haven't changed," Katsuki smirked as he got ready to brawl.

"Now idiot, before you beat up my precious granddaughter," the old man cracked his Knuckles and tossed his cane somewhere else. "You have to go through me!"

"Easy enough old man!" Katsuki hollard dropping everything and becoming dinner entertainment.

"Oh dad," Toshinori said as (y/n) quickly rushed to Kirishima and started to make a bet.

"Kirishima I bet on grandpa!"

"I bet one thousand, this time I am going to win!" Kirishima said fist pumping the air.

"Toshinori, he's going to beat Katsuki up again!" Inko exclaimed as she tried to get her husband to stop the fight. "Last time he broke his leg fighting Torino."

"Get him Torino!" Mitsuki hollard obviously for the fight.

"Are you sure we're going to win?" Shinso asked (y/n) who just smirked at him and I returned.

"Oh trust me, Shinso." Izuku chuckled as he watched (y/n) go to the front lines with kiri as they cheered on their winners. "She'll win."

"Smackdown grandpa, get him and twist his leg!" (Y/n) shouted as she followed the man. "Do it, show the sacrifice no mercy!"

"I'll kill you (y/n), after I beat this man!"

"Do it brother bear!" She shouted, starting to chant.

"It sure as hell is going to be an interesting life." Shinso smiled as he looked at (y/n) with love and enthusiasm. "I can't wait."

"I lost again!"

"Give me the Money, bitch!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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