The thought of them coming together like this was a usual thing, but to be here in the moments like this to witness them was a blessing and to see her reaction was even better.

He was lucky to be a part of this great big family.

"We stopped what's the matter?" she asked as grasped Shinso's hand.

"I just got to thinking about how lucky i am, that's all." he smiled and turned to face her with his back on the door. "You know how we talked about the future, well this is a start of one. He quickly opened the door and guided her in while everyone stayed quiet and watched as he started to untie the blindfold. "Well I made you a promise that i would buy you a coffee shop, this is just the start of it."

Just as he said those words he pulled the blind off and allowed her to look at the same cafe she has been working at for at least two years now, by this time it was different. It had banners that said, "welcome new boss!" and balloons on everytable and one big cake Kayama made for celebration of this day. She saw that the shop was closed today and all the people that were here were some of the workers like shoto, momo, froppy, tamaki, miro, and nejire. Not only that, but kirishima, sero, denki, and mina were here and they were smiling and clapping. She saw her family all with happy smiles. Mr. Aizawa was here, kayama, Mr. and Mrs. Iida were happily celebrating this moment as well, just recently becoming a part of the family even if they didn't quite know it yet.

They all came here to celebrate this moment with her and Shinso and that made her heart swell at the thought of that.

"Surprise," they all said in unison. She gasped and laughed as she wiped a tear once again from her eyes.

"This is amazing!" she giggled and clutched onto Shinso as he braced her against him. "You did this all for me?"

"Of course I did, I made you a promise and I wasn't going to break that promise." he told her smiling at this place that he hadn't been going to for that long but it had a million memories already. "I jumped on the offer right away when Kayama put fifty percent up."

"I have had so many ideas, I'm getting an addition for an office just for you, then I am giving you the majority of the duties like being able to add anything you like, you can hire anyone, make any positions. You're in charge and I know you can do it." Kayama gushed as she hugged the girl tight to her while she jumped around. "I have the official papers here and instead of fifty percent I gave you seventy. That's my surprise to the both of you." (y/n) and hitoshi were even more taken back.

"Kayama," (y/n) smiled and hugged the woman. "Thank you. I can't even put my amount of thanks into words. This is honestly the best day in the whole wide world."

"Then let's celebrate," the woman laughed as she sliced into the cake and started to pass dessert around.

"Kitten," shinso called out to the girl as he grabbed her hand gently and sat her down at the table. "I want to be honest with you when I say this. You have made me a better man and have been generally caring and kind even after I was an idiot and ruined things. You have shown me what it means to be given a second chance and to make that chance better than the first one. Not only that but you showed me how to love again. I honestly don't know how to thank you."

She smiled and laughed gently as she flushed red and thought about her words.

"In all honesty, Indie, spending the rest of your life with me would be thanks enough." she smiled, grasping his own hand into hers as she looked him in the eyes. "That's all I would need."

He was smiling like a fool and honestly completely taken aback by her words. He loved her and wanted that as it was, he had his fears of course. Like would she always love him or would she leave him, but once he debunked those it was all good and dandy.

"Hey idiot, that's where you say yes!" Katsuki threatened him causing Mitsuki to glare at her son.

"Leave them be you lonely rat, go back to the sewers you came from!" she yelled, starting to cause a scene in front of the crowd.

"If that's what you call your Virginia, you hag, then no!"

"Don't you say that word young man!" mitsuki yelled as she started to beat the shit out of katsuki once again with the usual antics (y/n) and the rest of them loved and got used to.

"I guess he's right, it's a yes and always will be a yes." It made (y/n) smile beyond anything else.

Her heart was happy and content.

She leaned forward from her chair and kissed him quickly on the lips making his heartbeat an extra time as it started to speed up. He would never get used to her kisses and he was bound to never realise that. She really was magical and fantastic.

"You made me miss that, you brat!" Mitsuki hoollard as she slammed katsuki into the ground.

"You hag!"

"I bet katsuki is going to win!" Kirishima pointed at (y/n) making her smirk and looked at Shinso who was shaking his head. "five hundred dollars."

"You said it was second income," shinso said as he looked away. "If I don't see it, I'll never know where you got it."

"You're the best!" she stood up quickly and glared at Kirishima. "It's on, shark boy!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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