"They can be mean, but trust me the majority of them are super kind and are there to listen to both sides, they know the right from the wrong." he brushed his hand through her hair and continued to pet down her head. "They can typically tell which one did the wrong right away because they have the police filings on hand and have studied them before they even get into that room. You'll have to answer some questions and so will everyone else who has testified or have done the crime. Then they will come to a ruling and the day will be over. For your case it's probably only a one day hearing."

"Will I get in trouble for any of it if they rule in her favor?" (y/n) asked as she got super nervous.

"No, honey." he scratched gently into her scalp hearing her purr slightly. "They will just put your case to the side until they can find the right person or close it depending on what goes down Wednesday. But there's enough proof pointing to jiro."

"I just have to be brave and tell the truth," she whispered trying to reassure herself.

"Exactly, baby girl." he told her. "You'll be okay."

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you." she smiled up at him brushing her nose against his own making him flush red at her actions and endearing words. "You truly are a really great person, people in your past may have told you differently and treated you badly, but they were all wrong. They never got to know you." she smiled and bit her lip trying to find the right words to next describe her feelings and thoughts. "I mean, you make me laugh, you take care of me, you hold my hand when I am nervous, you give me kisses that make me melt. What else?" she placed her finger on her lips giggling as she found some more. "You deal with me which can be a handful at times, you put me before you no matter what, most of all you show me love and compassion and teach me how to do the same through your actions and words. You showed me humanity at its best."

"But you do all the heavy lifting," he told her, drawn to her own eyes.

"What?" she asked, slightly confused.

"And yet you do all the heavy lifting," he told her, pressing her closer to him. "You give me encouraging words all the time, you show your smile and make me feel one hundred percent all the time. You pulled me away from my past life twice and showed me to be courageous and brave. you don't bark, but bite, and show them who's boss. And you did this all while finding your core, the person who you are meant to be, and you're still doing that. Don't sell yourself short when you're the one doing everything perfectly here."

It was almost as if her ears were betraying her, but she knew fully well they weren't.

This was it, this was her moment. She either kissed him or continued to be a pansy for the rest of her life and she didn't want to be that for however many decades she had left. She wanted to be able to kiss him freely and let him know she could also be brave and give him some attention. It was like adding to their relationship while making things all the same.

"I can't remember, did we make it official?" shinso asked as he pressed his face closer to her inching one with her lips ever so slightly parted and her eyes half lidded. "If not, I think we should call it what it is."

"So say it," she told him as she cupped his cheeks and sat up looking at him from his laying down position. Her back arched over him as she hovered just above him and his plush thin lips.

"Were in a hardcore relationship, kitten." he smirked and looked at her smiling face. "That means late night calls, talks, smooches every hour. You name it, you probably have it with your V.I.P. membership."

"You're such a goofball," she giggled as she hoovered closer to his lips, finally diving in for the kiss and catching him off guard.

She finally kissed him. She was the one to actually kiss him. It wasn't him giving one of his gently loving kisses. It was her with as much emotion and love she could pack into it. A bunch of raw emotion making his heart swoon at the soft boi/simp show.

This was his girl taking a step closer to who she was, someone who showed people love and kindness. How could he ever compete with her, she was clearly the more talented one in everything. Here she was kissing him like she has done it her whole life and he knew fully well this was the first time she ever incited the kiss. It wasn't her first kiss that was on the night of the drunk Olympics. But this, this was her first time kissing him by making the move and he was damn proud of her.

"How was that?" she asked with a flushed face covering her rosy cheeks. She was nervous about his answer. When her eyes cast down on his face she could see nothing but a blank look in his eyes and smiling face. What did it all mean? "Shinso?"

"damn kitten, you could have sent me to my death bed on that one." he smiled like a love sick boy. "Your answer to that question is perfect. One hundred percent perfect."

"Did I take your breath away?" she asked, getting cocky making him smirk at her new confidence.

"Yeah, and my virginity by the looks of it," he joked only to be caught astray by her confused look.

"What does that mean?" she asked, laying her head down on his chest looking up at home with those doe eyes that made him weak like always.

"You know what," he brushed his chin on the side of his face still awestruck by the kiss. He really was blown away by her action. "Well talk about that later, how about you give me another one of those special kisses."

"Aye, aye, captain shinso!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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