Along with this decision of stepping forward came with a price though. Now at every chance Shinso would dodge (y/n) or not even speak to her at all. That was an example of what was going on earlier. He was so for supporting her and making sure she was okay, but the next minute when it was going to make a claim it caused a whole riff raff between the two. It's funny how one minute it was supported to the next minute it was disgusting that she went for charges.

"(y/n), are you alright, Iida was talking to you." Izuku pressed his hands on her shoulder causing her to jolt and look up quickly with panic on her face. Once she realized it was just Izuku she calmed down and quickly apologized.

"I'm so sorry," she said bowing slightly. "I was lost in my thoughts for a few minutes. What did you say?"

Her eyes looked at the man who had his uniform still on.

"I was just saying that you are very lucky that you had five people as witnesses to your claims." Iida said smiling ever so slightly.

"Five people?" (y/n) was surprised. "I know my four friends who were there that night saw it, but who's the fifth, if I am allowed to ask?" she felt the urge that she needed to know. Who else claimed what she saw that night other than mina, sero, denki, and kirishima.

"I suppose just this once I can say," Iida said with a straight face. He was rigid and meant business. He took his work seriously but for his partner's sister, just this once he could be a little less strict. "Mineta minoru, came in just yesterday. He is our prime witness since he was there with Jiro when it happened."

(y/n) froze, she was actually grateful that he was there and witnessing on her behalf. She never knew he would do that, but she was grateful for the pervert's help. Made her actually grateful to him.

"He did the right thing, and on his own." Izuku said, patting his sister's shoulder. "I think he knew what was best."

"I'm grateful," (y/n) whispered, holding in her tears. She laughed slightly as a way to cover her tearful happiness.

"As it seems, Jiro will not be leaving the courtroom without a hefty fine, and maybe some jail time." Iida said allowing (y/n) to process the information.

"And her warrant for her arrest is going out right now," Izuku put the information on the table. "They move quicker so people can understand that nobody, not even the famous, gets away with something like this."

"Meaning, Someone in a few minutes up to an hour will be nicking on her door with the arrest." Iida said.

"Oh my gosh," (y/n) felt the wave of relief hit her as she cried even more.

"So sorry I'm late," Kirishima dishes in fixing his toe and standing beside Ochako. He paused and watched as everyone had happy smiles on their face and a crying (y/n). "(Y/n)? What's the tears about?"

She paused and smiled at her redhead friend. She quickly rushed into her arms and sobbed.

"Thank you, oh my god." She sobbed hugging onto him tightly laughing with happiness. "Thank you for supporting me, and never giving up on me. Thanking you for being my best friend and having my back, thank you and Mina, sero, Denki and even mineta for having my back and telling them what went on that night. Justice would not have been served without you guys."

"That's what family is for," he whispered, holding onto her tightly not caring about everyone else. "That's what we're supposed to do."

"Calm on cry babies," Katsuki smiled and hid his own tears in his eyes. "Let's eat and celebrate." He lifted up a cup with wine in it. "Cheers to my baby sister for being brave and standing up to someone who did her wrong, cheers to my baby's sister for taking the initiative to do what's right so no one else was ever hurt by the same events by the Same person."

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