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*The next day*

Bakugo POV
I still can't believe that bastard almost caused deku his life ! AND HE DIDN' T EVEN TELL ME I'M HIS BEST FRIEND FOR GOD SAKES !  Why didn't he tell me....I could've lost my first love all because of that stupid todoroki!

Deku POV
I wonder if kacchan is mad I didn't tell him that todoroki is the reason I almost died? I mean he was my first love after all...but he wouldn't have cared right? Right?....
Oh god what if he's mad at me for not telling him , I don't know what I'd do if he was mad at me .

Kacchan POV
I walk downstairs to see deku pacing back in forth mumbling " you ok broccoli boy ?"
he looked up and faked a smile " yea kat Im fine thanks for asking "  and I instantly knew something was up because he called me kat and he hasn't called me that since we were dating and that's been almost 4 years. I grab his arm and drag him to the training room " you called me kat " he looked confused " so what " he looked down and I grabbed his face making him look at me " you haven't called me kat since we dated " he started to say something but stopped " what is it " he wouldn't make eye contact with me " izu babe" he looked at me and my heart stopped because I could feel all my feelings for him rushing back . I let go of his face and left .

Deku Pov
He called me babe...he hasn't called me that in four years. I can feel all the love for him I once had coming back all at once and I like it , but what about dabi.....

Denki POV
I over heard bakugo call izuku babe . I always knew they would get back together!!! Mina owes me 100 dollarsssss

* Later that day *

Bakugo POV
I have to tell kiri I can't be with him anymore.... " Hey kiri " he lifted his head off my chest " Yes bakubabe " I'm nervous " I um...I have to tell you something " he looked relieved " Ok good I have to tell you something to " oh god does he already know " You go first" " No you "  we both stare at each other " I wanna be with deku " " I wanna be with denki and shinso "  we both sighed in relief " So we both wanna be with other people "  he nervous laughed " Yea I guess so "  I'm gonna miss my Little Rock " I'm gonna miss calling you mine shitty hair " I kissed his forehead and he blushed " I'm gonna miss calling you mine too bakubabe"  we both smiled " Wanna spend one last night together? " he smiled even brighter showing those beautiful teeth I love " I wouldn't have it any other way " denki stuck his head in the room door " So how did it go?" I can tell he's nervous " It went well, after tonight kiri is all yours " he smiled and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty adorable "  Yessss" he started jumping around, me and kiri both started laughing " I'll go tell toshi ! Also dinner is ready " he left the room . Me and kiri went downstairs to eat .

Should I post a part 2 tonight?

Biohazard Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang