Anti-Procrastination Tips

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Do you normally put off important things so you can go on Wattpad? Or maybe binge watch Netflix series instead of doing your homework?

I definitely do...

So – if you haven't guessed – today I'm going to talk about how to stop procrastinating. Maybe I might learn a thing or two as well. ���

- Get rid of all distractions. If you're working on a device, close all tabs that you don't need. Clear your space of clutter and rubbish.

- Make a TO-DO list of things you need to do and when they need to be completed by so that you learn to organise yourself.

- Set goals. Work for a certain amount of time or complete a job then reward yourself. E.g. 'I'll work on this project for 45mins then I get to watch an episode on TV.

- Divide your work, if your list looks daunting then split it up! Do certain amounts of work a day. Baby steps are better than nothing at all.

- SELF-CONTROL! I think this is the most important one because when you're reading you might just have 'a few more pages' or 'another chapter' (I know the feeling) whereas in reality you need to tell yourself 'No!' There may be something you have to complete and leaving it to the last minute won't do you any good. So try your best to complete your tasks, the book will still be there later.

I hope these anti-procrastination tips are useful for you. I know that I definitely needed them!

Have a great day,

Willow (@silver_celestial)

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