An Off Day

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As you woke up and began your regular routine, you realized that you were pretty well-rested." Hmmm..... " Strange as you thought to yourself. You usually sleep pretty well, but most mornings you wake up wanting to sleep in. However today, it was different. You shrugged it off and headed to the bathroom. Once you were done, you went to the closet and scratched your head. "Uhhh.....! Why are clothes such an annoying thing? I can't figure out what to wear!" you shouted out of frustration. You were really never one to care about clothes or anything and so, every morning you wake dreading this moment of your day. Picking out your outfit. You closed your eyes and let fate figure it out for you. Once you got ready, you looked in the mirror you were surprised. "Huh, hmm..? I look pretty good!" You smiled at the outfit you had put on. You thought to yourself "I guess I should let fate decide for me more often" you said as you let out a small chuckle. 

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This is your outfit

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This is your outfit. Pretty good right?! (haha, I don't have much of a fashion sense. So sorry). You're also wearing your fave sandals.

As you were halfway through town when you saw Ms. Laughton. 

"Oh, (y/n)! Nice see you here" she said as she headed towards you.

"Morning! Errmm.. isn't the school that way? I mean shouldn't you be prepping?" you said as you were a little confused.

"Uhhh... I figured you forgot. I keep telling you to get a planner. Today is the town's founding day. Remember?" She said as her head tilted.

You responded as confusion began to become fully visible on your face.

Realizing you had no idea what she had been hinting at.

"Dear lord! The school is closed (y/n)! How can you forget every year?! This happens annually and yet it always slips your mind" she said her anger turned into amusement.

"Ohhh! Right! Again? I swear we just celebrated." You laughed as she lightly slapped the back of your head. 

That's when it dawned on you. You were late for your shift at the Escape. You began to worry about how V would react or rather how she would compensate for your tardiness. You started laughing and then it faded to a look of fear. You said goodbye and ran towards the Escape

"Well, well look who it is?" said a serious V.

"Hahaha, wow you look lovely today as usual," you said while smiling and trying to hide your fear.

"Won't work on me. Uhh oh well, this happens every year so, get ready for your shift." She said as she uncrossed her arms and threw you a dishrag.

You sighed in relief and began drying off the dishes. 

The tavern was busier than usual since it was a holiday. You were a little worried about the amount of work, you were just happy that V wasn't as mad as you had thought she'd be. 

On the Moby Dick

"Why do you think Pops stopped here? I mean there is really isn't any reason to" said a crew member

"It doesn't matter. We're here because Pops wanted to stop here. That's all that matters" said Marco who had overheard the crew member's question.

"Hey! Everyone! Pops wants us to meet on the main deck!" shouted another member.

Back at the Tavern

It was around 11 am when the pirates had begun to come in. Marco and Ace entered. They looked at you and waved. They walked up to the bar and took a seat in front of you. 

"Hey (y/n)!" said Marco and Ace with a smile.

"Hi! What can I get you guys?" you said enthusiastically as you placed the plate you were drying on the shelf and turned towards them.

"Water with some lemon, please," said Marco as he placed his head on the counter.

"Just some sake," said Ace said while looking at Marco and smirking.

"Sure thing!" you said with a slight smile looking at Marco.

About 30 minutes had past and both Marco and Ace looked surprised to see the tavern so busy at this hour. It was during your conversation that you told them about today's holiday. They looked at each other and said:

"Well, I guess that calls for a celebration then, huh?!" while laughing.

"Hey (y/n)! Why don't you come and enjoy today with us? You can show us around town and stuff" asked Marco while scratching his head. 

Ace looked kind of surprised at his proposition and then turned to you and said as his smile grew larger:

"That's a good idea. This way we can get to know the town better and you too".

You were a little taken back at their question but you were really happy about it too. 

"I'd love to show you two around, but I'm working today. As you guys could probably guess, today is one of the busiest days for the tavern" you said as your smile faded into a slight frown.

V had heard what they had proposed and looking at your expression she realized that you really did want to go. 

"Well, Mei and I are working today anyway, so that should more than enough for today's rush," she said as she walked towards you.

You were confused and Marco and Ace's face lit up with smiles. You looked at them with a look of confusion.

"You stupid fool! I'm saying to go and enjoy today" V said as she slapped your back. 


She works hard and to be honest I've taken advantage of that. Everyone loves her. The towns' people as well as the people who come to visit. She has such a strong, yet gentle aura that makes people instantly comfortable around her. I mean it doesn't help that her smile is as warm as the sun too. Just like her mother. Ughh, She deserves to have fun too. The girls her age haven't worked a day in their lives or gone through what she has. Yet, she worked twice as hard and still manages to keep a smile on her face. I don't know how she does it. Her sheer will and determination are something she got from both her parents. She thought to herself as she looked (y/n), Marco and Ace as they began to understand what she had said. A smile grew over my face just looking at (y/n)'s cluelessness. 

Marco and Ace burst into laughter as you thought to yourself:

I'm getting a day off. When I came in late. V is a little too nice to me. When is she this nice? You said as you looked at V who was grinning at you.

What an off day, huh?


Hi guys!

Sorry for the long chapter. Thank you for all the support (especially this is my first time doing something like this). I'm not really sure where this story is going or how long it's going to be. Thanks againa and have a nice day :)

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