A Warm Smile

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"Sorry about my friend here! He usually doesn't drink this much" the dark-haired boy said.

"Ohh, haha it's fine. I didn't mind. His uhhh... stories got more interesting as a.... he got more drunk" you said while laughing.

"Yeah, I bet they did. Thanks anyways for keeping an eye on him." He said as he grabbed Marco who had fallen asleep on the table.

"When he wakes up, get him to drink some warm water with lemon. It'll help with his hangover" you said with a smile on your face you got up from your seat. 

"Okay sure! I guess you know a lot about being drunk, huh" he said as he laughed with his eyes closed. 

The silence between the two of you grew and that's what made him open his eyes. He noticed that you were looking at him with a straight face and he realized what he had said. 

"Ahhh... I mean you know how to deal with a hangover, not that you're an alcoholic or a girl who likes to drink. Uhh.. wait there's nothing wrong with girls drinking, but.. ahh" He continued to explain himself as he stuttered and looked awkward.

You burst out laughing. "It's okay. I understood what you meant. Man, you really get flustered easily, huh? I work here so, I know a few things about hangovers. Don't worry I didn't take it as an insult. I have to go it's pretty late" You said as you tried to wipe a teardrop from laughing too hard. 

"Ohh, haha well that makes things easier. Well thank you" he said as he scratched his head and smiled. 

You started to walk out and stopped. Turned around and waved. You began your journey to your house and you chuckled about the last few hours. 

Once you got home, you got ready for bed and thought to yourself: He really had a warm smile, huh. Kind of an idiot, but a sweet one. UGHHH I gotta work tomorrow, uhh. You buried your face into your pillow as you drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys!

This chapter was a little short and to be honest, I'm not all that sure about how the story is going to unfold. So, bear with me! This is also my first time writing a story! So, I'm sorry in advance. 

Have a nice day and lots of love.

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