Episode 38 (B) Sealing the Nexus

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The Leviathan and the White Rangers kept their weapons ready, just in case there were any more surprises waiting for them as they grew closer to the statue. They could feel the power emanating from somewhere close, there was an energy hanging in the air around them. Ahead of them lay regular forest debris, the White Ranger looked closer at a nearby rock pile and saw a spiked totem hidden among the stones. As its eyes glowed back at her, she knew they must have found it.

"There it is!" she alerted her fellow Ranger, both hastening toward the statue. Approaching it with great agility, the girls hurled themselves into the air and with an equal display of grace, flipped and struck out at the Org statue. It exploded instantly upon impact into a shower of sparks and rock dust. Dusting herself off, the Leviathan Ranger looked up seeing the green pillar of light fading from the sky.

"Yes! Great job, Alyssa," the Purple Ranger congratulated her friends work but remembered immediately that the Lunar Wolf Ranger was still fighting Nayzor alone.

"Merrick..." she said, already turning to go back for him when suddenly they heard the Red Ranger's voice coming through their communicators.

"Guys! I've destroyed one of the statues," he said, speaking to any of the Rangers who could hear him and respond.

"Us too!" replied the White Ranger with pride.

"And us!" they heard the Black Ranger say, "but we've got one tough Org over here. It's Mandilok, he was guarding the statue."

"Same here," the Leviathan Ranger sighed a breath of relief hearing Merrick's voice come though. "I've got Nayzor, he won't beat me, but I can't put him down either."

"We should re-group and take on these Orgs as one. Let's lead them back to the quarry, we'll meet you guys there," the Red Ranger directed them.

"You've got it, Cole!" the girls were already running off to re-acquire the Silver Ranger. Lila wondered if Toxica and Jindrax were upholding their end of the deal they'd made. The statues were all destroyed, and the pillars of light gone, hopefully that meant they were entering the Nexus. She tried to summon any faith she could in those two, they were the only ones who could reach the Princess now.

Thankfully for the Rangers, Jindrax and Toxica were indeed honoring their bargain. They had seen the shield fall from the Nexus' entrance and were able to enter unharmed and undetected. They were now creeping through the Nexus with stealth, senses keen for any sign of Master Org as they wound their way toward the prison.

Only a few steps into the Nexus, the Duke Orgs noticed the ground was trembling beneath them. With every few seconds, something would rock the fortress entirely with a violent rumbling sound that seemed to come from everywhere at once. With every shudder, their hopes sank into worry about what Master Org had already been able to accomplish. They picked up their speed, aware they were now in a race against time.

"The prison is up ahead. Come on, this way," Toxica whispered to Jindrax as she led him through the shaking fortress. The tremors were steadily growing the closer they got to the centre of the Nexus. Jindrax bolted to grab Toxica, pulling her back from being crushed by a large piece of falling ceiling. She squeezed his arm gratefully, taking them around a dark corner and into the dungeons. Up ahead, the torches of Princess Shayla's cell were all that illuminated the smoke and dust filled prison. As they approached the cell, the Princesses eyes widened as she saw who had joined her.

"You two?"

"Stand back!" Toxica gave Princess Shayla no time to be shocked to see her. She pointed the tip of her powerful staff at the cell.

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