~Le time skip to le sexy Trancy manor. One hour before da kawaii dance~

Alois and I laid on his bed watching Soul Eater. He had his arms wrapped around me and I had my head laying on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and his breathing. That, along with the steady rising and falling of his chest, soothed me and made me relaxed.

The blonde reached over to the bedside table and grabbed his phone. He turned it on for a brief moment before turning it back off and setting it back on the table. He shook me gently, making me look up at his face.

"Is it time to get ready?" I asked.

Alois kissed my forehead. "Yes."

I reluctantly moved out of his arms, the warmth he was giving me leaving instantly. I sighed softly and got up off the bed. Alois continued to lay there as I pulled my tux out of his closet. He stared at me intently as I took off my navy blue T-shirt.

I stared back at him and smirked. "You like what you see?" I asked, cheekily.

The blonde nodded and teasingly licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my white button up shirt, putting it on. Alois continued to stare at me as I grabbed my slacks. I turned around and blushed.

"A-Alois.. C-can you l-look away, p-please?" I asked nervously.

Alois pretended to pout and closed his eyes, covering them with his hands. I quickly took off my black skinny jeans and put my slacks on. After I did I crawled on to the bed. I slowly crawled on to Alois, being careful that he didn't know that I was there. I put my face over his. I was so tempted to kiss him, but I didn't. I couldn't. I didn't have the confidence to do it. Instead I ran a finger down the bridge of his nose and kissed his forehead.

Alois slowly removed his hands from his eyes and looked at me, straight in the eye. It felt like I melted. His eyes. They were so perfect. Every time I look at them I can't help but smile.

Alois leaned up and kissed my nose gently before wiggling out from under me and going to his closet. He stripped down to his underwear with no hesitation or embarrassment at all. I blushed deep red as I stared at his perfectly toned body. Alois saw me staring and smirked. He did a few poses and started to giggle.

"You like this?" He asked.

I blushed more, but truthfully I did. His body was hot. No. It was sexy as hell. But I wasn't going to admit this. So, I shook my head and looked away. I heard the blonde giggle and assumed that he was putting his tux on.

After a couple of minutes I felt someone laying on my lap. I looked at my lap and sure enough, a certain giggling blonde was laying there with only slacks on. He was shirtless. I blushed a deep red as he smiled at me. Without thinking a ran one finger down his chest and stomach.

"Perfect," I mumbled.

I felt Alois shiver under my touch and I smirked. I looked him in the eye before gently pushing him off me and telling him to finished getting ready. He reluctantly got up and put on his white button up shirt and purple tie along with his black overcoat. I got up and kissed the blonde's cheek before putting on my navy blue tie and black overcoat.

~Le sexy time skip to the school dance of fluffiness~

Alois helped me out of the white limo that he rented for this night. I smiled at him and held his hand as we walked toward the school entrance. People stared at us, like usual. Most of the people gave us disapproving looks, but I didn't care. I was proud that of the fact that I'm gay and that I'm dating the sexiest boy in school. And yes, Alois really does hold that title. A lot of girls were very disappointed when he asked me out, announcing that he was gay.

Alois and I walked into the gym, where the dance was being held, holding hands and smiling. Music was blasting through the big gym and I almost wanted to plug my ears. The current song that was on was 'Talk Dirty' by Jason Derulo. Alois looked at me and smiled, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and patted his head.

"Not now," I said, laughing a little.

The blonde pretended to pout. I kissed his cheek and his face instantly light up like a Christmas tree. He dragged me on to the dance floor and made me start dancing with him. I had to admit it was fun. Dancing wasn't my thing but Alois made it fun. And I must say, damn he's a good dancer.

The blonde would dance along right to the beat of the music. His whole body, mainly his hips and ass, would just follow right along to the music. As if it was programmed to.

After about an hour of dancing and screaming song lyrics, I decided I need to take a break. I walked off the dance floor and sat on a chair that was set up. I watched Alois dance more and smiled. I was proud to say that he is mine. He's sexy, happy, funny, and just, Alois.

I continued to stare for I don't know how long, seeing girls try to dance with my blonde boy and seeing them get rejected. I smiled more at the sight. Alois loves me and only me. After a little bit Alois left my sight, but I didn't worry too much. When the song that was playing ended, a slow song came on. The song was 'Fall Asleep' by Jars of Clay.

A was watching everyone dance secretly hoping that Alois will come and offer me to dance. Before I knew it my eyes saw a hand offered to me. I looked up and to see who the hand belonged to. My eyes met the icy blue ones of Alois. He had a warm smile on his face.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked.

I nodded and took his hand. The blonde helped me stand up and led me to the dance floor. People moved out of the way, making it just me and him. I wrapped my arms around Alois' neck gently and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We stared into each other's eyes, not saying anything and slowly swaying to the music.

About half through the song, Alois pulled me a bit closer to him and leaned his face a little closer than mine. I stared at him and unknowingly moved mine closer as well. Soon our lips touched, barely. I shivered. I wanted more and I could tell Alois did too because he pressed his lips fully against mine right away.

I blushed, this being my first kiss. I kissed him back, the feeling of warmth swarming my body. His lips were so full and soft. They tasted like strawberries and chocolate. Our lips fit together perfectly, just as our bodies did. I felt everyone's eyes on us, but I didn't care. All that I cared about was Alois an the kiss. My first kiss. My very first kiss with the one person I love more than the whole world.

After about two minutes, Alois pulled away from the kiss. Our eyes met and he smiled. "Damn you're a good kisser," he said.

I blushed. "Thank you."

Alois nodded. Then the room erupted with applauding. I looked around and everyone in the gym, even the DJ, were clapping.

"A-Alois. Why are they clapping?" I asked nervously.

Alois looked around. "I don't know."

A girl walked up to us, smiling. "We are so proud of you two," she said. "After all the bullying you guys get and everything you still decide to not only slow dance, but kiss in front of the school. Now that takes a lot of courage."

I blushed more and I think Alois started to blush as well.

"Well we love each other and just because we get called names and stuff doesn't mean that we aren't going to love each other. Nothing will tear us apart," I said, hugging Alois tightly.

Alois smiled at me and the girl nodded. "Good. I don't want you two to split up," she said before walking away.

I looked up at Alois and smiled. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips quickly and gently. We walked off the dance floor together, hand in hand.


To this day I remember that night. That night, that day, was three years ago. Alois and I are still dating. I have never been happier in my life. He loves me for me and I love him for him. This was a short story of the night Alois Trancy stole the rest of my heart. With one look, one dance, and one kiss.

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