im fearless with my heart

Start from the beginning

Louis' eyes slightly widen. "Thirty four? You're such liar, mate. He's not thirty four," he continues as his eyes focus on the man who may have felt his strong gaze because seconds later his eyes look up around the room before they meet Louis'. Harry bites his lip immediately and darts his eyes back down towards his book, a really noticeable blush forming on his face.

That only makes Louis smile just a smidgen.

"He is," Liam sighs, closing his book and opening another. "And he's bad news. Well, not really. But don't get yourself into any shit trying to talk to him. He's literally twice your age and married. That's a red flag. That's like eight million red flags being shot out of a cannon straight towards you."

Louis rolls his eyes and turns to look over at Liam again. "You've been studying too much. You've lost touch of what it's like to communicate with real people."

Liam sighs heavily. "I'm serious Louis," he urges, but the tattooed boy is already hopping over the front desk from where he was supposed to be adding labels to books and starts to walk away.

"And so am I Li," he calls over his shoulder as he begins to walk over towards Harry who's sitting comfortably tucked away reading yet another romance novel but this time there were two guys on the cover.

"So, do you ever like, actually check out these books?" Louis asks, pulling a chair out from the table and turning it backwards so he could sit down chest facing the back of the chair, because obviously sitting normally in chairs was for losers.

Harry looks up startled, eyes slightly big as his mouth opens and then closes before opening again. "Um, not really?" A slow deep voice sounds which catches Louis a little off guard, but it doesn't stop him from staring right into those beautiful green eyes. "I guess I'm a fast reader. I have a lot of free time on my hands too so I just... read it all here."

Louis could tell the man was nervous from the way he was subconsciously fussing with the plastic covering of the hardback, peeling it off anxiously. He was basically damaging the book, but Louis wasn't going to say anything.

Louis hums and reaches over to touch the book, giving Harry a look to ask if it was okay and soon taking it when the man answers with a jerky nod and a weak smile. "Open: A tale of a lost love that is found again?" Louis reads before looking up at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

Harry blushes immensely and grips the edge of the table. "I thought it was cute!" He says in defense causing Louis to chuckle.

"I guess if you're into the whole cheesy romance novel thing which it seems like you are considering the fact that's all you read when you come here."

Harry slightly frowns, looking a bit hurt which causes Louis to immediately shake his head. "And nothing's wrong with that!" Louis assures. "Really. I mean you go read your romance novels. They probably give you a better sense of hope than this dump we call the real world," he goes on with an eyeroll, handing Harry his book back.

The man smiles softly as he takes the book before pushing his glasses up his nose again. "I'm Harry," he says, placing the book facedown so he wouldn't lose his spot.

"Louis," the younger boy says back smoothly, resting his chin on his folded arms. "Do I get a last name?" He then asks with a raised eyebrow and a little smirk and okay maybe he shouldn't be doing this. Like really, really shouldn't be doing this flirting thing.

Harry was married for God's sake and he was older... So, so much older. But his aura screamed young, innocent, delicate. He looked like he begged to be taken care of and protected. The way he carried his body seemed so young and submissive and Louis was so interested. Just to get to know the man. Just to see little things about him.

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