Is this it? Harry wonders to himself. It's past midnight and nothing outlandish has happened so far.

There's a knock on the door as if almost on cue. The men around him pay it no mind, probably assuming it's room service with more champagne or another plate of shrimp canapés.

But Harry recognizes the look on Henry's face, his serpent-like smug smirk. "Dessert is here." He says, to no one in particular.

"Who is that?" Harry asks Jason when a petite man he's never seen in his life enters the door. He's wearing the tightest black suit Harry's ever seen on a man and his hair is in a fringe, even from far away it's easy to tell he's gorgeous.

Jason widens his eyes when he spots him, "I don't know."

Harry frowns when Henry bends down to whisper something to the unknown man, placing a big hand on the man's small waist.

Slowly but surely, his colleagues notice the new invitee. Their heads turn and eyes widen when they see him, like lions spotting their prey.

"Everyone, this is Louis," Henry announces loudly, one hand gripping Louis' arm. "He's here to keep us company," he gives Louis a once over. "Make him feel welcomed, yeah?"

The men ogle Louis unashamedly, too drunk, or careless to have an ounce of subtlety. Richard is the first one that approaches him once Henry walks away.

Harry is too far away to hear what he's saying, but knowing him and seeing the face Louis makes, he can imagine. Michael joins them next, he whispers something in Louis' ear and slips him a couple of dollars down the back of his pants.

Henry is in a corner, sipping on champagne, eyes focused on the scene. Harry still isn't sure what his plan is, the escort that's showed up tonight adding to his confusion.

Soon enough all of his colleagues crowd around Louis' space, even Jason. It gets to the point where Harry can't even see the shorter man clearly, hidden by the men's taller, broader bodies. He can only hear their obnoxious laughter. They touch Louis openly; his back, his face, his arms, hungry eyes on their faces. Harry feels a little bad for the boy, he's been in the company for enough time to know how annoying they can be.

He gets tired of watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes and goes to the restroom. He splashes some water on his face and looks in the mirror. His short hair is gelled back and there's some scruff on his face that he refuses to shave. He loosens up his black tie and unbuttons the two top buttons of his black shirt.

When he turns a corner to direct himself to the living room, a body bumps into him.

"Sorry," a high-pitched voice apologizes.

Harry blinks. The man is even prettier up close, clean-shaven, with big blue eyes and pink lips.

"Oh, Harry, right?" Louis smiles. Harry nods. "Congrats on your promotion," Louis caresses his arm.

"Thank you," Harry ignores the seductive display of affection. "It's been a long time coming. I'm really happy about it."

Louis nods. He doesn't seem eager to move or walk away somewhere.

"Hey, so how are you doing?" Harry asks. Talking to Louis seems more attractive than chatting with any of his drunk colleagues right now.

Louis shrugs with a smile. "I'm doing great. It's a lot of fun here."

Harry frowns. "Hey, I know they can be a handful to deal with."

Louis shakes his head. "Oh, no. Not at all. I'm honestly having a lot of fun with them. They're hilarious."

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