Chapter 3: Guilt Ridden as I Am

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After the whole auxiliary gym incident, I'm for once not entirely thrilled to be going to morning band practice

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After the whole auxiliary gym incident, I'm for once not entirely thrilled to be going to morning band practice. Because Axel will be there, and I'm sure he'll want to sue me for, I don't know, offending him or something. High and mighty rich people, and all.

Still. The band is my home. He's the intruder, not me. So I hold my head high and glare at everyone I pass as I march into school at a disgustingly early hour of the morning.

Of course, Keira glares right back at me. I texted her last night to tell her about the incident after school, because she's my closest friend, even if our relationship seems to be built on antagonism. She told me that I don't own the auxiliary gym, and just because I've been using it for longer doesn't mean I have more of a right to it. Which, I mean. She's right, technically. But I also feel like I do have more of a right to it, since Axel barely even cares about band anyways and he's also rich and privileged and he could easily find another place to practice, whereas I have pretty much no other options.

Anyways. I take my usual seat, set up my instrument and music, and then wait for Ms. Vaken to show up and yell at everyone.

Unfortunately, she doesn't show up fast enough.

Keira plays flute, so we're usually not beside each other unless Ms. Vaken gives me a different instrument for a song, but I do notice when she glances at me and her eyes go wide. I frown, until I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I know it's Axel King. I sigh deeply, then turn to look at him, my face already set in a glare. "What."

He blinks, like maybe he thought yesterdays bout of hostility was a one time thing, or he can't believe I'm actually still mad at him. "Um, could I talk to you for a second?"

I could be stubborn and say no, or just refuse to move from where I am. Thing is, I'm actually not entirely sure that I want anyone else to know about what happened yesterday, so I sigh again as though extremely inconvenienced, but do stand and follow him out of the room.

He stops right outside the door, not worried that we'll be heard over the noise inside. I cross my arms, still glaring at him.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for taking the auxiliary gym yesterday. I had no idea that you usually practice in there, and it wasn't my intention to steal it from you at all. I'll find somewhere else to practice from now on."

I know he's trying to be nice, but it's really just making me feel guilty and in turn resent him even more. I huff a little. "Okay. Good." And then turn and go straight back into the band room.

I see Keira watching as I come back in, her eyes staying on the doorway for a few seconds after as I assume she waits for Axel to return. She frowns a little when (I assume- I'm very stubbornly not looking) he does come back in, then turns and gives me a look that says she knows I was a jerk to him. I kind of want to look at Axel, just to see what his expression looks like for her to know. Then again, his expression could probably look like anything and she'd know I wasn't nice to him. Keira knows better than anyone how extremely unlikely it is that I'd actually ever be nice to Axel King on purpose.

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