Chapter 2: Is That a Problem

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One of the upsetting things about having Axel in the school band (aside from the fact that it's just very upsetting- so, one of the fringe upsetting things) is that other people joined the band because they're friends with him, because he's friend...

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One of the upsetting things about having Axel in the school band (aside from the fact that it's just very upsetting- so, one of the fringe upsetting things) is that other people joined the band because they're friends with him, because he's friends with everyone. Most people dropped it early in the year once they realized how much actual work it is, but they still talk about it like they didn't. I find it annoying, because that means that pretty much everyone in the school tries to refer to themselves as a 'band kid' if it means they get to act like they're closer friends with Axel.

Also, there are still a few of the more popular, non-nerdy kids who hang out with Axel and actually do stay in the band (these are the people who complain about morning rehearsal). And then they'll throw parties at their giant mansions because they're all rich and they'll invite the 'band kids', which they intend as their popular, non-nerdy friends within the band, but other people tend to extrapolate themselves into because they took band for a whole two days at the beginning of the year. So really, they just completely ruin the actual definition of a 'band kid'. A band kid is kid who is in the band. Who dedicates their life to the band. Who actually practices playing their instrument instead of playing with filters on social media.

Anyways. Keira says I'm just really salty and it's not like I own the band, just because I happen to play a ton of instruments and be more interested in it than other people. I tell her that those other people don't even practice, which is kind of a basic requirement and they're dragging down the rest of us who do care about the performance of our band. She tells me that I'm jealous of them for having social lives, and that just because I care about something doesn't mean I have exclusive rights to it. I usually stop listening around there because she isn't actually debating the last point that I made, so in my mind the debate is no longer alive and I've won. As a result, we have this argument a lot.

Keira and I argue a lot in general. She blames it on my resentment of pretty much everyone who's better than me. I blame it on her arguing with every single thing I do, and also psychoanalyzing me all the time.

It's kind of hard to see why we're friends. Mostly, I think it's because she's one of the only people that can tolerate my endless snark (because she enjoys arguing, and my constant wrongdoing gives her constant excuses to argue), and because I'm one of the only people who can tolerate her endless arguing. Even Cody, our one other barely-friend, can only take both of us in small doses, and that's only because he has pretty much no one else to hang out with.

He spends the little tolerance he has for us during lunch hour. This usually works out well, because Keira tends to talk to the girls who have lockers around hers for the first five or ten minutes, which means that Cody only has to put up with me alone for that time, instead of both of us at the same time plus bickering.

We're currently sitting at our designated lunch spot- on the couches just outside of the gymnasium. Our school is small and doesn't have a cafeteria, which is kind of annoying because first of all, it means there's no designated place to eat lunch, so you have to rush to get to the place you usually occupy before anyone else can get there, and then if you do get there too late then you're probably stuck sitting on the floor in front of your locker. Plus, it's socially isolating, because if you have no friends then you have no real hope of gaining any and you end up destined to eat lunch alone forever.

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