part 2 - the reality of breakfast wars

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hiyaa x The past three parts were all put up on the same day but that was only because i had typed them up all before x i am going to put atleast one part each week (unless i'm really busy with exams etc.) and hopefully you will all like them x and if anyones like me i always like to read completed books only but please give me a chance :) :) :)

You know that feeling of when you do a really big yawn in public and try to hide it and instead end up with really watery eyes and smudged mascara? Well basically my point was that i'm close to crying. I have been to so many different schools and they are all the same; all the cliche groups are seperate, all teachers are hated by students, and I always just sink in the crowd. No-one notices. No-one cares. My brother on the other hand, he has always been popular and has tried and failed to get me to hang round with his "crowd." I just dont want to hear the girls bitching about their friends and the boys arguing about which girls the fittest, its boring and a waste of my time.

Anyway I am getting my bag, which is conveniently empty because of my lack of books, though i have put A LOT of food in it (crisps, salad, cake, chicken, sandwhiches, water, orange juice...) you get the picture.

As i walk down the stairs to the massive kitchen, i see James standing there holding the lucky charms box, my eyes narrow and my hands clench. "Give me the lucky charms and no-one gets hurt." I whisper, his gaze falters but nethertheless he keeps a tight grip on the glorious treasure. Bad mistake. "argghhhhh!" I holler running at him, i jump and push him over and he falls on the floor at the same time dropping the box. It's like a scene from a movie in slow motion and I finally manage to grab the food.

Then.....i ate the marshmallow filled prize, and no I didn't eat the box.

Gem ♥♥ (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now