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Techno : Look at my face

You : Okay?

Techno : No no, keep looking

You : I am looking!

Techno : No, you're not. Look harder

You : Is there a point to this?

Techno : Yes. So look as hard as you can. Focus on every part of my face

You : Alright! I am!

Techno : Now . . . does it look like I give a fuck?


You, rubbing your temples : Come on, pick up

Dream : What are you doing?

You : Calling George

Dream : But. . . your phone is off?

You : Yeah, I mean telephatically

Dream : Haha there's no way that's going to wo—

George : Hey, sorry I missed your call

Dream :


Tubbo : Would you rather stab Tommy or—

You : Stab Tommy

Tubbo : But I didn't even say the other option

You : I know, but I would still stab Tommy

Tubbo :

Tommy : Not gonna lie, I'm feeling a bit unsafe in this server. Does anyone feel the same way?


You : *Pulls out a knife*

Bad : Oh no

You : *Opens a box with it*

Bad : Oh okay

You : *Pulls a gun out of the box*

Bad : Oh no!

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