Nicki POV

After Drake left I stood their and broke down I can't believe I did it again I got in to an argument over his phone again.I sat their and cryed for another 30 minutes and I decided to drag my slef to my room and got on the bed and cryed myself to sleep.

-› skipping to the morning

I got up and looked at my phone and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at me self I had tear stains all over my face and red puffy eyes I walked over to the full length mirror and pick up my shirt and looked at the tattoo of the love of my life name I shed tears just looking at it
I love this person with everything in me I'm not making this relationship crumble and burn in front of my own face I want a future with this man and I'll be damned if I don't work for this.

After I stood their thinking about what I'm going to do I took off my clothes and took a shower and then got out and put on my underwear and bra and then put on a oversized T-shirt and put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs to the kitchen

Kace- good morning

N- hi....what am I having

Kace- a bacon,and cheese omelet and a fruit salad and orange juice

N- thanks

I ate my breakfast and walked to the living room and cuddled up with Mac while cheese was on the couch taking a nap.I miss Drake so much right now I just want to hear his voice and kiss him and love him but then I remember this is all my fault if I hadn't pressure him so much I wouldn't be in this problem with him I just miss him,I miss his voice and smile and his really warm cuddles I just miss being wrapped up in his arms and feeling his big muscles damn I need to stop thinking about him but then again I can't because I have his name on me and he is my boyfriend.I get up and walk back upstairs to my room and sit on the bed and just take in a the things happening in my life right now I stood up and walked to the wall of framed photos of me and Drake I looked at the first one we took together on the first day of freshman year that day I automatically knew that we was going to be close like we were one and then the second one when we went to a party together and we matched and on valentines day we was never a couple those times but we acted like one and I would always get jealous when I saw him talking to a girl and when he had a girlfriend I used to hate her so much because she was something to him that I wanted to be and then I looked at my most favorite one he was holding me from behind and kissing my cheek and I was blushing that was my favorite one because no one can make me blush like Drake and make me get all lovey dovey I looked at the one we took in the bathroom and me on his back kissing him on the cheek I looked at all the other pictures and took a trip down memory lane.I walked to the window and looked out it was starting to rain on days like this I would be with him cuddled up watching a movie and playing around I start to think
Is it raining because I'm sad and I pushed to only person I loved so far away that he lefted me is it raining because I been crying and missin him.I need to prove to him that I love him and the reason why I said yes to being his girlfriend I need to prove that to him because I think he tired of chasing me its time for me to chase him and tell him I need him here with me

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