chapter 21

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-› the same night
Drake pov
I looked over at Nicki she was sleeping I took out my phone and called Kyla
* phone convo *
K- hello
D- hey
K- oh hey are you guys having fun I saw you on TMZ coming out of Starbucks
D- yeah we were until Nic got a call about her parents
K- oh yeah about that
D- what
K- theirs a lot of things going on at this house
D- is my children ok
K- yeah their fine they just finish taking a bath and drinking a bottle so now their asleep but look at you being a good daddy
D- well I have to make sure my babies are ok
K- my damn fiancé can care less about our child he's a damn ass
D- oh I feel sorry for you then but I gotta go
K- ok I'll video chat you so you can see your children in the morning
D- aight bye
K- bye
* end of phone convo *
I hung up the phone and looked over at Nicki she was awake looking at me
N- hi....what did she say
D- nothing really just that your big brother is an ass and that she'll video call us in the morning so we can see that 2 A's
N- oh I miss my babies brey I'm hungry how you gonna let me go to sleep with out dinner
D- then what do you want
N- um I want something with chocolate and a fully cooked stake with mash potatoes and salad
D- this mad work but you sharing with me
N- ok bae just get me food or I'll cut you and I'm not playing
D- I know but I love you tho
N- I love you too brey but order my food please
I walked over to the phone and ordered room service after I did that I changed into my pj's and then got in bed and cuddled up to Nicki
D- your boobs are like pillows
N- they are
After she said that their was a knock at the door I looked up at her and she looked at me and pointed to the door
D- I guess I'll get it
N- thank you
She kissed my lips and I got out of the bed and walled over to the door I opened it and their stood and man with the food cart I moved to the side and he wheeled the cart in and I closed the door I walked over to the bed and got in after the room service guy set up our food he left
D- you ready to eat
N- yeah feed me
D- gosh fine
N- I love you
D- back to you
I got up and got the food and walked back to the bed I aye the food and I saw her looking at me
D- what
N- I'm hungry too
I gave her the plate and took the fork and feed her after I feed her I took the plate out of her hands and took it back to the tray and got in bed with her and feel asleep.
-› next morning
I woke up to my phone going off I took it off the charger and looked at the time it was 7 in the morning I looked over at Nicki she was still asleep I tapped her shoulder all she did was snuggle closer to me and put her head in my chest I ran my fingers through her hair she woke up and looked at me
N- why
D- because we have a business meeting
N- but I wanna sleep brey
D- I know come on get up
She took my arm and played with my fingers and ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear she loves me I kissed her lips and said the same I wrapped my arm around her waist and put one under her butt for support I got out the bed and walked to the bathroom I put her on the sink and gave her toothbrush and toothpaste and did the same for me we brushed our teeth and wash our face then we did our morning routine I walked out and left her standing in the bathroom I got dressed in my suit and dress shoes and sat on the couch and waited for Nicki after 30 minutes she came out wearing a black pencil skirt with a white dress shirt with a studded collar and a white blazer and her hair flat ironed
N- what shoes white red bottoms or black ones
D- white goes with your outfit but black also make the top part of your outfit pop out so black
N- thanks babe
D- hurry
N- ok
She put on her heels and got her white bag and the trench coat
N- hold this
She gave me her bag and then put on her jacket and got her phone to take a selfie after she did that she got the room key and walked infront of me I walked to the elevator she came in and I gave her back her bag
N- you know you look sexy in a suit papi
D- thank you mami
When the doors opened I took her hand and interlocked our fingers and walked out the hotel to Starbuck when we got their I ordered the regular and we sat at a table I was on my phone but I saw Nicki looking at me so I put my phone down and looked at her
N- brey do you think they gonna like me
D- well some of them might be in fear for their job
N- why
D- because if they do something that don't make you happy they might get fired
N- I can hold my own aub
D- I don't wanna hear that
N- why not
D- because I'm suppose to take care of you even if you don't like it
N- ok we should get going
D- k
I got up and threw our garbage away and took her hand we walked out and walked down a couple blocks then we came to the office building we walked in and went to the very top floor she took my arm and pulled me back I looked at her
D- what
N- brey what if they don't like my ideas
D- I like your ideas and at the end of the day I get the finally say
N- fine
We walked in and everyone was looking at us well mostly Nicki
Kelly- Mr.Graham who's the pretty lady by your side
D- she is my wife Nicki
N- hi
Kelly- she's shy isn't she
D- no she's not once you get to meet her
Dianne- well I think you two make a cute couple and some cute babies
N- how do you know how they look like
Dianna- from all the pictures in his office of them and you
N- so you do have pictures brey and you told me you didn't
Kelly+Dianna+Dianne- brey
D- yeah don't call me that though
Kelly- ok should we get started
Harold- yes we should
I sat down and Nicki sat in the chair next to me
Harold- ok I think the store in Dallas is doing really well but we are going down on sales in the women department
N- have you done anything to draw attention to the women
D- well no
N- well me speaking as a woman I think you should have a pop up store in New York and see how it goes with just women clothes in it
D- we already have 3 stores in New York
Harold- explain just for him and for me
N- ok so have a pop up store for just women so basically what I'm saying is an ovo store just for women
Kelly- oh I get it but why does it have to get a pop up store
N- you want to see how good the store does before you buy it and put it their permanently if the pop up store doesn't go as planed it could be bad for ovo reputation and it could be bad for Drake because her created ovo and how is that gonna look if all his stores are doing good but one
Dianna- I agree with her I hate shopping with men
Harold+Drake- why
Dianna- they pick things up that they not suppose to pick up they embarrassing and on top of that they complain too much you want a store that a woman can be a woman and not be antagonist while she's shopping
N- see my point
D- what's that suppose to mean
N- that you ask and touch too much
D- no I don't
N- Victoria Secret babe
D- you can judge
N- I can't but I'll hold it against you
Dianne- next topic
Kelly-so.....what are we gonna do for the pieces that aren't in the stores yet
D- they have an date that they'll be put in stores
N- are you planning on releasing them in all the stores or just a couple
Dieanna- well Mr.Graham wanted to pit the pieces in 5 or 6 of the stores
N- where are those stores
Dieanna- UK,Paris, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas,Houston
N- is that where you get the highest sales
Dianne- yes
N- ok did you try anything new for ovo New York or no
D- well not that I know of
N- ok question
Harold- ask away
N- whos the brand ambassador for the New York stores
D- Lacey
N- is she traveling right now
Kelly- yeah umm..I think she's in Paris meeting with the other girls
N- other girls
Dieanna- she's meeting with the other store ambassadors then she goes to the UK for that store
N- oh ok how is she on a scale of 1 to 10
Kelly- 9
N+D- why not 10
Harold- she's not ready
N- does she know her designers
Dianna- umm...well she ment some bit she doesn't kinda know who's who
N- so you telling me that you have a girl traveling with the reputation of ovo in her hands and she doesn't know her designers so if she meets Calvin Klein she's gonna say his name is Alexander Quan and get him pissed off
D- we can't have that so you guys need to fix it before she do because if she does someone will get fired
N- I agree and I can fire people
D- next topic
Dienne- the store in Nebraska is finished all the items for that store was shipped out yesterday so that store should be opening in 2weeks and the ambassador for that store fly out their in the next 2 to 3 days
N- ok does she know about her fashion
Kelly- yes
Harold- are we done here
Kelly- that's it
After she said that everyone besides me and Nicki got up and left.I looked at her and smiled
N- why are you smiling at me lightskin
D- because you where so good in that meeting
N- I know but we have another meeting to go to
D- what meeting
N- well our wedding planner babe
D- we have one of those
N- we do and where gonna be late if we don't leave now
She got up and put her coat on and then got her bag I put my coat on and took her hand we walked to the elevator and got in once we was on the first floor we walked out and walked down the street
N- so king tell me how good was I
D- queen you where amazing fabulous marvelous
N- thank you
We stopped at a building we walked in and walked up to a desk
N- is Cassandra here
??- yeah she is 10th floor
N- thanks
We walked to the elevator and took it up to the 10th floor and walled to a room that said Cassandra she opened to door and we walled in and sat in the chairs across from her
C- hi guys how are you
N- good
C- ok so we are just gonna jump into this so you can go
D- ok
C- what colors are you thinking about
N- white and gold
C- good colors what's the date you plan to have this on
N- well I wanna do it when its snowing because I have this Cinderella thing that I wanna go for
C- ok so you want snow Cinderella
N- yeah
She wrote all that down and then looked at me
C- so what your ideas
D- as long as she's happy
N- aww brey
C- ok what's your food ideas
N- well I love dessert that has to be my favorite part of going out
D- I like stakes and chicken and all things food
C- ok
She wrote that down and looked up
C- any children
N- two girls 4 weeks old
C- aww names please
D- Ava and Armani
She then wrote all that down and ask us some other stuff after the meeting we went to subway she got a salad and I got a sandwich we was sitting at a booth near the window
N- what are we going to do for today
D- whatever you want
N- ok so go back to the hotel
D- yeah
We ate our food and walked down the block to the hotel and went to our room I changed into basketball shorts and a white T-shirt I walked back to where Nicki was sitting
N- you know I haven't talked or seen my children in 2 days brey
D- call Kyla
N- I wanna video chat
D- k
I got my laptop and called Kyla
* video chat *
K- hi guys
N- hi where my babies
K- I feel special
N- where are they
K- ill go get them gimme 5
D- k
She got up and came back with Ava and Armani
N- aww momma miss her babies
K- I know how it feels
N- gosh 5 more days they look so different
D- a new development everyday
N- I can't do it I want my babies
K- all you have left is 5 more you can do it but I gotta go
N- ok bye
Ava put her hand on the screen and pout and Armani started crying and then Nicki did a pout then the screen went black
* end of video convo *
N- I need a cuddle brey
D- come over here
She walked over to where I was sitting and sat on my lap and cuddled close to me I notices her shirt was wet
D- why your shirt wet
N- what
D- your leaking
N- this is why I need my babies
D- go change
N- ok
Nicki POV
After I got off his lap I changed into a tank top and boy shorts and knee high socks and put my hair in a messy bun and walked back to where Drake was sitting and stood infront of him
D- what
N- nun
I straddled him and put my head in the crock of his neck and put my hands up his shirt
N- I'm bored
D- movie
N- yeah
D- hunger games
N- the 1st or the 2nd one
D- 1st
He turned in the TV and we cuddled up on the couch
-› next morning
I woke up first and looked at the time it was 8 in the morning then a message pop up on my screen from my brother I decided on calling him than texting him
* phone convo *
N- what do you want Jelanni
J- well good morning to you too
N- good morning now what do you want
J- your children are annoying the sgit out of my
N- watch your mouth when your talking about my children because I can say things about your but I choose not to because I have respect for your child and you shouldn't really care what they doin because you annoy the shit out me all the damn time and I'm not saying shit most of it
J- well you should be a better mother to them witch mother leave their children to got to New York for a whole week and not check in on them they could be dead by now for all you damn know
N- Jelanni if you lay your nasty ass dirty fingers on my children i will kill you and I'm not playing either so don't test me
J- I'm not testing you and I don't want to put my hands on your children
N- get the fuck off my phone
J- have fun at fashion week I know I'm gonna have fun here
N- touch them and I murder you
J- bye bitch
* end of phone convo *
I looked over at Drake and he was wide awake looking at me
D- what just happened
N- nothing just my brother being a damn ass like always
D- oh are you ok
N- yeah brey I'm excited so excited
D- I know today is the start of fashion week
N- what dress am I gonna wear on the carpet
D- uhh well let's see being the fabulous fiancé that I am I flew Mr.Calvin Klein out here with your dress
N- OMG your lying I don't belive you
D- nope he should be here in a couple hours
N- is my dress sexy like does it show skin and stuff like that what I'm asking is does that dress show my belly
D- I don't know he designed it I never got to see it
N- ok im going back to bed
I ran my finger through my hair and cuddled closer to him and closed my eyes
-› 1 hour later
I heard voices in the other room I opened my eyes and Drake wasn't beside me so I got out of bed and walked to where I heard the voices I saw Drake Calvin Klein and some other people
Calvin- this is Nicki she looks beautiful
N- hi thank you
D- do you wanna see your dress
N- mhmm
He walled over to me and put his hands over my eyes and we walked to a room he took his hands from my eyes and I saw a red knee high dress and the back was red lace so you could see my back the shoes was nude red bottoms and it had a nude clutch.
N- I love it
Calvin- you knew you would red is definitely your color
D- I agree
Calvin- we need to get you ready in hair and makeup you go to the other room I'll be their in a minute and Drake you need to get dressed
After he said that me and Drake went our separate ways I walked in a room with Calvin behind me their was a chair and all the girls was ready to attack me with makeup and start doing my hair I smiled and walked to the chair
??- hi im Dominique and I'm gonna be doing your makeup
N- hi that's my oldest daughter's middle name
Dominique- aww lil Dricki's they are in existence
N- yes they are
??- I'm Taylor I'm gonna be doing your hair
N- k let's get started then
After I said that Dominique started with my makeup and Taylor started with my hair she flat ironed it and gelled the sides down and then made a small part in the middle then Dominique did my makeup light after I was done they spined the chair around so I could see myself I smiled
N- omg thank you guys
Dominique- no problem
Taylor- its time for us to step out so Mr.Calvin can come in
N- ok bye well see you outside I mean
They walked out and in walked Calvin with my dress
Calvin- someone looks pretty
N- thank you darling
Calvin- no thank you we need to get you dressed you need to go to breakfast and after that Dricki goes to the start of fashion week
N- are you going to be their
Calvin- yes but we need to get you dressed Missy
N- k
I got out the chair and walked to the bathroom he handed me my dress I put it on it hugged my curves perfectly after I put on my dress I walked out
Calvin- you look so sexy,here are your shoes hun
N- ok
I put on my shoes and took my clutch and walked out with him behind me.When I walked out the room Drake and the girls was standing their smiling at me
N- you like
D- I love I got another surprise for you
N- ok
I walked over and took his hand and we walked to the living room when we walked in I saw the girls and my babies
Girls- SURPRISE!!!
N- go my Gosh brey
R- bish we going to fashion week with you
Boys- so are we
Said the boys that popped up out nowhere
N- Wayne is that a suit
W- don't get used to it
N- I wanna hold my babies
Calvin- I'm no one to tell a mother that she can't hold her children but you can't hold your children
N- why not brey back me
D- you see that fabric that you wearing is all the way from Malian and its expensive
Calvin- you can't hold your babies
D- basically what he said
N- ok but I get to hold one at the fashion show right
D- yeah

That's the end of chapter 21 but their will be a part 2 to this.Thank you for reading I know I haven't been updating like I use to but I'm trying

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