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Everyone had those family members that you just never got along with no matter how much time you spend with them or what you do, it just doesn't happen.

For Juliet, that was her Aunt Beatrice. She was her mother's oldest sister and never had kids of her own which for some reason made her feel like she had the right to have an opinion in Juliet and her brothers' lives.

The blonde was sipping orange juice as she sat next to Sara and across from Beatrice. She tried to avoid conversation with her aunt as she continued to talk with her brother's girlfriend but knew she could only avoid it for so long.

"So Juliet, how's the 'music career' going?" Beatrice spoke using air quotes around the words music career.

Juliet's success and rise to fame in the music world was something that her aunt was never accepting or encouraging towards. She was disappointed in her young sister for allowing her daughter to live in America at 17.

Negativity like that was something Juliet didn't need while she was trying to build a career and she was glad she was thousands of miles away from people like that.

"She has a music career Beatrice, you know this. She's world famous." Juliet's mother said to her sister as she placed a basket of fresh breads onto the table. Her mother was very proud of all of her children for following their dreams and Juliet was no exception.

"So she wants us to think." Beatrice replied as she grabbed a piece of bread from the basket causing Juliet to roll her eyes. "Don't do that Juliet, your eyes might get stuck like that."

"Thanks for the advice but I'm good." Juliet assured her aunt as she grabbed a croissant and placed it on her plate.

"You never were good at taking advice." The older woman commented causing Juliet to clench her fist in her lap.

"Calm down." Sara whispered quietly to her boyfriend's sister.

"I'm gonna get more juice." Juliet announced as she grabbed the two almost empty jugs from the table and headed for the kitchen. She knew if she stayed any longer she'd end up saying something she's regret.

She grabbed the two bottles of juice from the fridge and began to empty the contents into the jugs. Once they were full, she disposed of the bottles into the recycling bin before taking the jugs back into the dining room.

There was silence in the room as she entered and a few heads turned to look at her. She was confused as she stepped further into the room and followed her families' gazed across the room to the doorway leading into the hallway.

"Uh oh." She whispered under her own breath as she spotted Anthoine stopped with his arms crossed over his chest and a less than amused look on his face as he stood next to Daniel. "I can explain."

"I can't wait to hear it." Anthoine replied causing Juliet to placed the two jugs down on the table and make her way across the room. She grabbed both of their arms and dragged them outside away from prying ears.

The blonde stopped at the edge of the grass at the back garden once she was sure she was far enough away from anyone who could hear the conversation that was about to happen.

"I can't believe you, did you actually think-."

"Shut up Anthoine." Juliet said as she held a hand up to silence her brother.

"You lied. I asked you after Bahrain was anything going on between you two and you lied to me Juliet." Anthoine told her in a disappointed tone of voice making the blonde sad, it was never her intention to disappoint anyone.

"For once in my life since I became famous I just wanted something for myself. I didn't want the paparazzi taking pictures or gossip magazines writing articles, I just wanted some time to be free and I got that. I understand that I lied to you and I get you're mad. But you have to understand for the last 4 years my whole life has been in the spotlight and I could just be myself with Daniel." Juliet explained using hand gestures like she always did when she was upset.

"You can always be yourself around me Jules, you didn't need to hide a relationship to be free. That was part of the reason you came home, remember?" Anthoine replied as he placed his hands on his sister's arms.

"I know. But it something that was mine and mine alone, I needed that." The youngest Hubert told him.

"I know." Anthoine said before pulling her into a hug. "You know if you ever need anything or want a break all you have to do is ask."

"Thank you." Juliet smiled as her older brother placed a kiss on top of her head. "You go back inside, I wanna talk to Daniel."

Anthoine left the pair alone and headed back inside prepared for whatever questions his family might throw at him. Juliet watched as her brother disappeared inside before turning to look at the formula one driver who had been silent during the whole thing.

"Come on, we can sit over here." Juliet spoke as she nodded towards the swinging bench at the bottom of the garden.

The pair walked in silence until they reached the swing and took a seat before it started to swing back and forth softly due to Daniel pushing it.

"I need to apologise." The blonde spoke up first.

"None of that was your fault Juliet-." Daniel started but was soon cut off by the girl next to him.

"Not for that. I realised that the whole reason this worked was because it was a secret and no one knew. And of course it works know because I'm not on tour but what happens when I'm in America and you're in Bahrain, we'd be on opposite sides of the world all the time." She started to explain.

"Juliet." Daniel spoke softly as he realised where she was going with this. The blue eyes girl took his hand in her own before she continued to speak.

"I love you and we have become the best of friends in the short time we've known each other. But this isn't going to work. I realise that now because I was using you Daniel. I wanted something fun and exciting because for the last 4 years my life has been nothing but work and I just needed a break. I am so, so sorry." Juliet apologised as she squeezed the Australian's hand tightly.

"It's not you're fault. We both knew it would never last. It didn't all start with a drunk kiss in Bahrain after all." Daniel joked causing the pair to laugh. "If we can still be friends then that's okay for me."

"Oh you're definitely stuck with me now Ricciardo." Juliet assured him before she was pulled into a hug causing them both to laugh.

She was glad her realisation didn't ruin a good friendship because the two had become very close since Bahrain and she didn't want to lose one of the genuine friends she had in life.

She was glad her realisation didn't ruin a good friendship because the two had become very close since Bahrain and she didn't want to lose one of the genuine friends she had in life

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