53. That Makes Two of Us

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You looked up at the man, wiping the blood from your lips, "Oh, thank God."

Immediately you recognized that it was James Barnes, and you knew he was of no threat to you. While he was most definitely against your squadron, the last run-in you'd had with him had only confirmed his distaste was mostly for John Walker and the shield your bosses had unrightfully placed with him.

You moved to get up one more time but Barnes only shook his head, displaying your pistol in his right hand.

"Look," you exhaled, making a face as you tasted the blood in your mouth. "I am not friends with that asshole, either, but we're just trying to do our jobs. Our fight isn't with you."

Barnes lowered your weapon and stuck it in the waistband of his black pants, his jaw clenched. He still held his own knife in his other hand, black-on-black metal.

"That's government property, Barnes. You know I'm not going to use it on you." You sighed, referring to your handgun.

Barnes cocked his head to the side as he looked down at where you not sat on the concrete floor, "It's not like you'd succeed if given the chance."

You raised your eyebrows before letting out a chuckle, "Hell, you're right. Sometimes I forget the guy you used to be, I guess."

Barnes frowned as he checked their surroundings, "I'm not that guy anymore."

You nodded understandingly, though you still had not confirmed who'd shot the gun you'd heard go off several minutes ago. It very well could have been Barnes, though you weren't so sure a gun was his primary choice since he was equipped with a powerful cybernetic arm. You'd seen him use it before on your last encounter, and luckily, you weren't on the receiving end of it.

"A shot was fired a few minutes ago."

"I take it that wasn't you then," Barnes responded flatly, retrieving her gun from his waistband.

You shook your head and made your last effort to stand; this time he made no move to stop you. Wiping the dust off of your pants, you looked around, as well. Silence still hung in the air, and you weren't sure what to think.

Barnes held your pistol out and you took it immediately, positioning it in your right hand once more. Your hand trembled a little more now than it had before.

He narrowed his eyes at you in the awkward silence, and you had no idea what he was going to do or say. Clearly, he was here for the same reasons you were—to locate the Flag-Smashers—but standing around chatting with you was anything but progressive.

"What?" You questioned him as you noticed his gaze was on your shaking hand.

Your cheeks flushed and you placed the gun in your holster before wiping your palms on the thighs of your pants.

"You don't usually participate in hand-to-hand conflict, do you?" He asked.

He was an impossible man to read yet you couldn't help but feel he had not meant what he said in a condescending manner. You knew it was probably of some concern to him that you appeared incapable of properly handling your gun, but to be fair to yourself, you had just been knocked to the ground by him moments ago. You had a right to be a bit shaky.

"Honestly, I think they just don't have a lot of people they trust to keep Walker in check. My combat skills are rusty, but they have more faith in me than that asshat."

This caused Barnes to chuckle, even if only barely.

"Their new Captain America isn't working out as well as they'd hoped," Barnes replied, a sense of pride in his voice.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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