"See you tonight at 8 my little rose"

Right when those words came out, her alluring doe brown eyes snapped up at me like a deer caught in headlights. Before she can say anything else, I walked off leaving her nosey coworkers whispering and waiting for me to walk out so they can ask a bajillion questions to the shocked beautiful rose in the room.


"Is that who I think it is?!"

I rolled my eyes while walking into my family home I haven't been to since, I don't even remember.

"Alessandro! My big baby boy!"

My mother shouts in happiness as I smiled while watching her small figure running up to me with open arms.

"Oh my gosh! You're so skinny. Come, let's get some food in that small belly of yours"

I laughed while watching her squeeze my torso suspiciously before dragging me into the dining room that had 4 of my siblings and father seated around the table.

"Alessandro!" My little sister and the baby of our family shouts running up to throw herself into my arms.

"Alexandra don't do that, your large body might give him a broken back with the way your jumping onto him" My younger brother snickers while fist pumping my dad from the side of the table.

"Boys! Behave!" My mother snaps while setting a plate on the table for me making my father and brother nod quickly at her demand.

"Alessandro baby, how have you been? I haven't seen you since Mother's Day and it's almost Christmas now"

My mother says as soon as I sat down beside her and started scooping food from the middle of the table onto my plate in front of me.

"Well obviously he's been busy with being the richest CEO in the country. Isn't that right Leonel?"

Of course my father still considers calling me by middle name since it was the only name he could give one of his sons. He had 6 kids with my mother and yet every first and middle name picked out for all 4 sons he had were named by my mother.

It was only I that was allowed the decision of being chosen a middle name that my father liked, and of course it had to be the Spanish version of his name since he was obsessed with keeping his Latin tradition running in our family. And if you're wondering, yes my fathers name is Lionel, but he gave me the middle name of Leonel which is literally the Spanish version of Lionel.

"Too busy if you ask me. Baby, you're almost 40 already and yet you come to my house with no woman and no children. And when I say women and children, I mean belonging together. I don't want any baby mama drama and I already told all of you guys that I do not want children unless the woman you bring the children with has a ring that you put on her finger first" She says looking at each of me and my siblings with a stern look.

"Why are you getting on my boy for? Instead of pestering my hard working son, why don't you pester the large meat head over here that loves to eat all the damn food in the house but can't even go out and buy his own. Why don't you go to your own house? I pay all the bills for nobody living there"

I snickered to myself seeing my oldest brother sitting beside my father rolling his eyes.

"You're literally 2 years away from being 40 years old. Why don't you go out and find a family of your own already? I both had you and married mom when I was 14 years younger than the age you are now"

"Actually, haven't you heard dad? My lovely oldest brother here has been seeing a beautiful red head for the past 5 years"

My older sister, Avery, says making everyone's eyes widened while turning towards the oldest of our siblings. He glared at my sister with a clenched jaw as she smirked back at him with a wink.

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